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i hope everyone has a nice Easter, i hope you get to spend it with your family, if not i hope they are safe.

we're having an easter egg hunt this morning, at my age i get to hide them as well.....i came in third last year. Wink

Happy Easter to all.

baseball......a big business disquised as a little boys dream.

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Happy Easter to everyone. This is the most important day of the year to me. Without it everything else is pointless. He is indeed alive.

Getting ready to attend service. Then off to my brothers house for an Easter egg hunt for all the grand kids.

God is so good. Just seeing Dan on here this morning posting is evidence of that!

    "at my age i get to hide them as well.....i came in third last year."

Ah, ah, ah came in third all right, but tell the whole story. You hid them well indeed...eight yards of concrete can do that!

You called in your crew to do your dirty work. Wearing their finest brightly colored Easter regalia and using your patented "Smooth 'Em Or Lose 'Em Egg Finder" they managed to only come in third?

Tell me did little Peter Cotton and his buddy Timmy Tail beat your guys?

Make no yolk about it...they left you and your crew shell shocked!



Last edited by gotwood4sale
Both of our grown sons are home for the weekend. Started off with Easter worship service, followed by pancake breakfast at church, with the men cooking, serving, and cleaning up.

Next, off to Target Field to watch the Twins beat Cleveland 4-3. Sorry Dan, but that was the perfect outcome of our favorite game on a beautiful, sunny April afternoon.

I know that my Redeemer lives. Happy Easter, everyone!


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