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Sure do miss those Mothers' Day baseball games since our son is out of college ...

One of my most favorite Mothers' Day was when AJ was a freshman and they played an away game just 5 miles from our house. The other team was always wonderful at acknowledging the moms and invited the visiting team to do likewise. There was something so special about getting roses and carnations in the school colors ... I am an alum of the same school ... and standing next to my handsome (no bias) son in his uniform on the first base line, feeling like God had just handed me the trophy for being the world's most fortunate mother ... that particular day will never ever be replaced in my heart's memory.

Okay, I made myself cry. cry

Have a beautiful day, fellow moms. If you are able to be at a game with your family, congratulations. Please remember those of us who have to miss those games nowadays ... tho I know I will hear my son's beautiful voice sometime during the day. Cherish the moment !!!!
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Yes dads, thank you for your thoughts! Am heading over the field for the mother's day game in a few minutes.

I always go running in the morning at Stanford, and this morning as I was driving home leaving campus, who should be rounding the corner but son in his car! He smiled and waved, and a couple of seconds later my phone rang and it was he, saying "Happy Mother's Day!"

This year I got my first-ever mailed Mother's Day present from him Smile. It is so much fun, and so heart-filling, to see them grow into smiling, self-confident and THOUGHTFUL young men! And in so many ways, the baseball is what helps them do that!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful baseball moms here!!

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