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Today I watched my wife and 6,999 others run the Cal International Marathon in Sacramento. I was hoping to be with her until a hamstring strain set me back.
At the start line, the temperature was 30/31 degrees with a wind coming from the North(cold).
My wife was truly amazing. I chased to watch her at 6miles, 13.1, 20 and finally at the finish.
To me, she, and every one of those 7,000 who started, and however many finished are remarkable, just remarkable.
Marathoning, in my view, no matter what your age, what your time, what your pace, involves a sense of dedication, focus, toughness, and ??????.
There just are not many things tougher, although we have watched the Iron Man in Hawaii and that has to be the toughest!
I am so proud of my wife.
I felt a sense of ????? being on the D/L.
Tonight,with her encouragement and support, I committed to get back on being committed and will do Austin on 2/14/10 and nothing will interfere.
This will be my first since turning age 60. In my training, I know I am not what I used to be when I trained for marathons. But, I did them in my 30's, 40's,50's, and am committed this won't be my last.
Hardest thing I have ever done, especially considering I am a Clydesdale.
I feel exhilarated that I can share her achievement with my wife today as her cheerleader and supporter.
Hardest thing ever!
What is yours?

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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From growing up on Heartbreak Hill I always had fascination with marathons. Then I ran one. I lost the fascination. It's hard work. I announced my resignation at the twenty miles mark to take effect after 6.2 more miles. For all the times I had driven Friars Road (the last 6.2) I never realized it was slightly uphill heading east. When miles two and three were the Coronado Bridge (San Diego) I thought I was going to die. After the first fifteen it was all mental.

I ran on four hours sleep after hanging at a client's POS/computer installation on Saturday night until the bar closed. It was October. There was a Santa Ana. Instead of being 70 in the morning it was 90 by 10am. Time: 3:58. I was twenty-six at the time.

I don't know what else there is to do. I did a lot of crazy stuff as a kid. I've dived off a 50 foot cliff. I've jumped out of an airplane. I've hiked and skied Tuckerman's Ravine in New Hampshire. I've jumped a crevice at Jackson Hole. I was one dumb, sick puppy. Then I got married. I am fascinated with some of the Winter X Games stuff.
Last edited by RJM
IFD, had hoped we could have run San Francisco with you guys last summer. My wife will be running Austin as well, and hopes to get to a game or two while she's there. I'll be holding down the fort here in Seoul while she's away.

Hardest thing I've ever done: the 206-mile Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic -- have done it 3 times, takes about 18-19 hours of consistent pedalling (the speedsters get down in 11-12). I don't think I'll ever do it again because I have never fully recovered in a certain area from the last time three years ago.

Train well!

Last edited by Krakatoa

Congrats to your wife, that is terrific!

I agree, marathons have to be one of the toughest sports events ever. I ran the mile in HS and then slightly longer races (5K, 10K) in college. Never even came close to marathon distance, and at 50 now I don't think it will happen. My hubby ran a half-marathon when he was around 40, and his knees were his ... uhhh, Achilles Heel, so to speak. He could only run about 6 to 7 miles max per workout before his knees feel apart. How do YOU do it?

Keep us updated on your training! Smile

Have to admit, jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet and free falling for just under 1 minute, about 8,000 feet was amazing.
Did that in the Fall of 2008 in San Diego with my daughter and wife. A beautiful warm day, could see forever, and I have video with my cheeks pulled back to my ears to prove the event. Big Grin
That was fun...once they got me on and out of the plane Eek ....and FAST!!!!
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

Congrats to your wife, that is terrific!

How do YOU do it?

Keep us updated on your training! Smile


Like I said, I really am a Clydesdale, unlike my wife who is a beautiful thoroughbred.
I probably won't need to keep you updated.
You'll be able to feel the vibration, even in MN. Big Grin
I've never run a marathon, but I did run the FBI National Academy Yellow Brick Road Fitness Challenge. A progressively more difficult run that starts with a 3.1 mile run, adds a 2.8 mile cross country run through the Quantico Marine Bases Ropes Course, ending in a 3.1 mile return to the Academy grounds. We ran the first 3.1 in under 21 minutes, finished the entire challenge in 1 hour, 52 minutes. I did get a yellow brick to commemorate the event.

Hardest thing I've ever done: the 206-mile Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic -- have done it 3 times, takes about 18-19 hours of consistent pedalling (the speedsters get down in 11-12). I don't think I'll ever do it again because I have never fully recovered in a certain area from the last time three years ago.

Krak, er, uh, I think I will refer to you as Krakatoa after reading about that effort.
Wow, that is tough. Only did a couple of centuries. Luckily, as I recall, my legs hurt more than other cycling "impacted" parts.
From what I hear, your wife will be back at the hotel when this Clydesdale is still pounding.
I will PM. We would love to see and meet her.
One great thing about DIII: no uniform start date!
Originally posted by 20dad:
me being one of the larger clydesdales, running is something i wished i'd taken up.

congats to you all that run in marathons, i'm a little jealous. Wink

Agreed congrats to all who can run marathons......its a tribute to your fitness and dedication...

As to describing me as a clydesdale.........well....Im not that what do you call a shorter, stockier, hard-headed plodder....

Oh yes,,,,I got it....a jacka$$....Mule...donkey....burro....something along that line might suffice.... Big Grin

Big congrats to MRS Infielddad....
Last edited by piaa_ump

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