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Son on unofficial visit, met coaches took a tour. The next day was a prospect camp. Early that morning he got really sick, fever chills, cant be too far from bathroom (if you know what I mean). He wanted to try and play as this is one of his top schools to play bb at - ended up having to tell the guys he was trying to make a great impression on that he was sick. Wondering what the coaches thought. Has this happened to anyone?
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This just happened to us last weekend. We were leaving for an out of state prospect camp on Friday and my son was ill, bad headache, etc. Little improvement overnight, hung in there on Saturday but did not look like himself or perform like it. Lost his lunch middle of the day...
Talked about it that night and said we'd see how he felt in the morning... got worse in the morning so we went to the field and he told the coaches that he was sick, tried to fight through it on Saturday and just couldn't go on Sunday. They were very understanding. My biggest concern was that he seemed to be reacting pretty late to pitches during the game on Sat afternoon and he told me he was having trouble picking up the ball due to the headache... not good or safe.

Don't know if it blew our chance with the school, but on Monday morning he sent an email to the coaches thanking them for the camp and apologizing for having to leave early. Told them he hoped he'd have another opportunity to workout for them when he was 100% (he's a 2013). Received a nice reply back from the head coach...

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut, but his safety is always #1. When you can't see a pitch properly you are asking for trouble...

If the school wants to write him off for that then it probably wasn't the right school for him anyway.
Happened to my son at a PG showcase summer before last. Woke up sick at the hotel the first morning of a 3 day event. Didn't tell us he was nauseous til end of the first day. Felt better later that night and said he wanted to continue with day 2 and 3. Looking back, maybe he would have graded 1/2 to 1 point higher, maybe not...son is very happy with the school he signed with this past November. I know PG will give you a credit should an injury/illness arises....probably would have gone that route had kid told us he was sick before he started Day 1......I think if you were honest with a coach/scout they would take it into account and try and look at him again...and like Cball said, if they didn't, it wouldn't be the right school anyway.
cf - Sorry to read about your son. It really stinks to get sick when away from home, and feels even worse when it seems like so much is on the line.

I'm gonna share a story, not to worry you, but to add a little more data to the question. It just gives a little(?) insight into how coaches think sometimes. Even with the story I'm gonna tell you, I do believe if your son can play at the school hosting the camp, they will figure it out and not let his illness or performance while he was ill dissuade them from recruiting him.

Anyways, here goes...

Older son was a senior at Stanford and the Saturday starting pitcher. They were at Texas for a 3-game series (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). On Friday when we got to the game, he was nowhere to be seen in the dugout. I asked one of his teammates before the game where our son was...'throwing his guts up in the locker room, he's really sick!' A little later he did pop his head up out of the locker and out throughout the game.

That night, we usually went out to dinner. He couldn't make it, no way. But I did ask him if he'd be able to pitch the next day and he told me, 'Yes, <pitching coach> said that there may come a time later in the year when we're pushing towards Omaha and we need you to start and carry this team that day...even if you're sick, so you might as well learn how to do this and gut it out now.'

Despite not having eaten in a day and a half, he did start the next day...went 5+ innings and left the game with the lead...which they eventually won. He could still barely eat that night.

Later that year they were in Omaha playing in the College World Series.

This situation is not the same as your son's and the fact that your son was ill is not very likely to affect that school recruiting your son. But once he's there, playing through injury, stiffness and illness will be expected from time to time.

Best of luck and I hope it works out for him! Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
Sickness's and injuries happen all the time. This ain't these Coache's first time at the rodeo.

Son went to 2 showcase's and both times had a bad back. I was sitting beside one coach and overheard him say to his assistant that he could tell the pitcher seems to be grabbing his back. Of course being his dad knowing (the 2nd time!) that he had a twinge in his lower back told him he was correct. He still followed son afterwards and even had him come visit. Offered on spot. But son declined since it wasn't a good fit for him.

So it's not a bad thing. I've always felt that God has a purpose for everything that happens and even though you and son can't see it right now it will be revealed soon enough.

Good luck

My youngest son didn't feel well the first day of a showcase but I didn't find out until late morning. He continued but didn't do well. In retrospect I should have pulled him or talked with the director about his situation. He knew how expensive it was and didn't realize there might be options.

It is a tough position to be in. Good luck!
I feel your pain, RJM. My youngest son, 17 y.o. senior, is going through the same thing right now!. Got hurt in mid-July and hasn't played since. Turned his ankle really bad He's had PT, 2 xrays and an MRI in between. Tried to play a game in mid October but couldn't. I signed him up for a showcase in early December to try to get him ready for the PG World Open but he couldn't do it (lost my first payment but they were gracious). Took him back to the doc right after that and he is now in a boot until late January - just in time for HS tryouts.

Hopefully he can gather some college interest in the spring. He is disappointed to say the least.
My guy took the trip to Australia and after he ate his first meal with his host family suffered severe food poisoning writhing in pain all night long. It took him a few days before he could play, and then he ended up fracturing his tibia! All just before his senior season which he ended up missing.

Sometimes God's timing leaves you scratching your head!
Last edited by floridafan
RJM and BillBill,

Were you referring to PG regarding not receiving a refund? If so, something is wrong.

We do automatically credit to future events if someone cannot attend the event they signed up for, but if there is an injury involved, that is a situation where a full refund is made.

Note: This does not include any tournaments where a player does not pay PG anything to attend. In that case, any refunds would come from whoever the player paid.
Mark B Wrote:

Sounds like your son would have been better off if he had broken his ankle instead? Least that way the break would have been set and when the cast comes off, most people are good to go shortly after.

You're right. I often think the same thing.

PG Staff Wrote:
RJM and BillBill,

Were you referring to PG regarding not receiving a refund? If so, something is wrong.

We do automatically credit to future events if someone cannot attend the event they signed up for, but if there is an injury involved, that is a situation where a full refund is made.

Note: This does not include any tournaments where a player does not pay PG anything to attend. In that case, any refunds would come from whoever the player paid.

No, I wasn't referring to a PG event. Thanks for asking and sorry if I was not clear. I was referring to an Exact baseball event that he had entered into with the idea of getting ready for PG World Open, which fortunatly he won't be able to attend. I've been very pleased with PG events (and EXACT for that matter).
Originally posted by BillBill:
Mark B Wrote:

Sounds like your son would have been better off if he had broken his ankle instead? Least that way the break would have been set and when the cast comes off, most people are good to go shortly after.

You're right. I often think the same thing.

PG Staff Wrote:
RJM and BillBill,

Were you referring to PG regarding not receiving a refund? If so, something is wrong.

We do automatically credit to future events if someone cannot attend the event they signed up for, but if there is an injury involved, that is a situation where a full refund is made.

Note: This does not include any tournaments where a player does not pay PG anything to attend. In that case, any refunds would come from whoever the player paid.

No, I wasn't referring to a PG event. Thanks for asking and sorry if I was not clear. I was referring to an Exact baseball event that he had entered into with the idea of getting ready for PG World Open, which unfortunately he won't be able to attend. I've been very pleased with PG events (and EXACT for that matter).

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