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My son is going through the same thing following JV tryouts. Originally our doctor said that it could be a simple Elbow Impingement (Posterior) (Elbow Hyperextension) which isn’t bad, but if you don’t let it heal, it can become chronic. You can usually isolate the pain by doing the same thing in the picture below.
After an x-ray and MRI our orthopedic surgeon saw signs of bruising around the bone where the ligaments attached. It is signs of simple over use. Told my son to stop throwing until pain free, then gave him the Thrower’s Ten and Interval Throwing Program for Baseball Players to work on as he started throwing again. I can send you the link if you want them.
Elbow Impingement:

According to doctor, it is not one of the more critical places to have pain. However, you definitely need to have an MRI and someone that understands a pitchers motion to review it.

Elbow Impingement


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  • Elbow Impingement

Google " golfers elbow". It sounds like what my son had last fall. Extremely painful and debilitating if he keeps irritating it. I brought my 2018 to ortho doc. My son wasn't even throwing a lot at this point, but he was weight lifting & the doc told him he strained tendon with improper form. Shut him down from everything for 2 weeks. Had him stretch and he's better than ever now. It can be a lingering, painful injury if not treated and rested. Good luck ( if that's what it is)

Definitely see a Doctor.  If your parents have a PPO, try to schedule directly with an ortho/sports specialist.  If they have an HMO and you need a referral, make sure you INSIST on getting an MRI.  Let them know your situation (D1 committed pitcher) and do you best to impress upon them how important it is to get this diagnosed correctly as soon as possible.


Could be overuse.....or it could be something significant.  The simple fact is nobody here can really help you with the diagnosis, but as you've already seen from previous replies only a Doctor can tell you what you really need to know.  Best of luck to you and I sincerely hope is just something a little rest/rehab will fix.

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