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Anyone have any info on the Hawaii summer laegue ? I am concerned about cost etc.
Son has said he has an offer to go there and that it is reasonable. He was told all players stay together on the U of Hawaii campus and gets 1 meal a day. $250 league fee and no housing costs other than 2 other meals. His job at college said they would give him enough work to pay fot his flight at the end of the semester.
I am getting the hard sell on this one from him. Does this sound like accurate info in regards to the league ?
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It 82 in Charleston where he goes to college. Not really a big difference.He had an offer to go to thje Florida Instructional legue in Bradenton FL but it is way too expensive for us.
I am inclined to let him go because it would be cheaper to go their than come home. His job on campus has been wonderful to him and has also offered him lots of hours when he finshes the summer league. I also like the idea of him being on U H campus with all the players. He is a the type that needs his teammates around. Last summer was a disaster since he was out in the country and had no transportation.
I would never let him get stranded but I will call on Monday. Son is asking a few more questions so hopefully I will know more on Monday.
It costs a few hundred just to come home so it looks like it may be cheaper to let him go to Hawaii. Thsis is his 4th offer so it may be his last.
If he came home he would probably spend $1000 while he is here. Hawaii may be the cheaper option. He already has a free meal plan while in Charleston and a job so I am leaning towards giving in to him.
I also miss him and watching him play BB. He had 2 great offers here at home. The one offer pays all his expenses and no fees. Some of their games are televised and the level of play is fantastic. They even pay for gas.
My son played for the Paddlers last summer. For him, it was an experience of a lifetime.

Last summer they stayed in apartments, all teams, by team. It was 8 guys in a 4 bedroom 2 bath, 2 refrigerators, no air (didn't need it per son) The apts are just across from UH. It is a 20 min walk to Waikiki beach!

Granted, Hawaii is not cheap, we estimate he spent close to $1500.00 in 7 weeks on food, a 3 day car rental, a luau, clothes, 30 day "the bus" pass, clubs, a few shows, and a bike from walmart, which he returned.

Our only regret is we did not go over. If you want more info, he said for you to PM me and I will give you his #. On his facebook he has loads of pic's.
I know little about the League but do know some about the cost of living on the island, having lived there for 5 years.

There is the stadium flea market, located right around the entire UH football stadium ( sometimes 3-4 rows deep ) that provides anything under the moon & sun for dirt cheap. Most of the locals shop there. ( bus transportation to and from just about anywhere on the island is available to it. ) Food, clothing, luggage,... you name it, they have it. 10 t-shirts for $25.00 buckerooos.. bargain-bargain,
board shorts ( which everyone wears day and night 24/7 ) $15.00,.... " Local " ( the softest sandal on earth ) flip flops,..$10.00.

Plate lunches of food are sold cheap and are hearty and mighty big! I would highly recomend eating at the parked food trucks for an enormous plate of Hawaiian stew poured over two scoops of rice! Great grinds Bruddah!!

The bus pass is probably the best and cheapest way to get around. If one stays away from the tourist sites, Hawaii can be done on a pretty easy budget. Housing is what usually takes the biggest chunk of change, so if that is provided,..I say PIECE OF CAKE ( make that coconut cake )! Cool

Mele Kalikiamaka,.....with Aloha!
I hope it works out!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Last year, a few kids who formerly played on our summer youth teams had college summer assignments. One of the boys got to go to Hawai'i, and he loved it. We talked about it before he accepted, he was hoping to get to go to Alaska but it didn't come through, and I told him that I can't imagine any young man not wanting to play in Hawai'i for a summer. Imagine two months living near the beach, playing baseball, chasing girls, living the Island life, and then getting to come back home for college baseball. I don't think it can get much better if you're 19-21 years old. I try to think of it from the young man's perspective, rather than a parent. I haven't heard of any of our former players getting to go to Hawai'i this coming summer, though many are headed off to other leagues.
A couple of my son's teammates played in the Alaska league and one of them is going to Hawaii this summer. 4 spots have been offered to his team.
He will like the fact that you are close to the ball parks. That was his problem last year. he was an hour away from the park and had no car. He really liked the fact that the guys were all together because he likes hanging around with teammates. He is not one to be on his own.
This is all breat info. I priced the flights and they were about $1000 but his boss has told him he would give him enough hours to cover that.
Now its just the girl friend and she supports him going but I think it bothers him to stiff her for the wedding. She has been looking frorward to it for months and he loves her parents and family and will hate to miss the event.
The fees were what it is advertised.

Last season they put the players up in off campus apartments across a highway, all the players and coaches were housed there. They had access to UofH's weight room but you had to be disciplined to get over there on a consistent basis as there was a small window of time that you were allowed there in conjunction to other groups.

Last season, the games were held at a regional park which had enough fields that all the teams played at the same time on most weekday game days. As a rule, they had Mondays off as their one day in the week they had off. They mostly played one game a day during the week (usually 12 in the afternoon) and had the rest of the day off to do what they wanted after having a meal provided by the league.

Most of the guys either walked or took the bus to the beach or downtown, on off days; some rented mopeds and went around the island. There were locals that were in the league which also befriended some of the players who have cars. That also provided a source of local girls who hung out with some of the guys.

Just like everything in life, what you put into it is what you took from it, the league erected a batting cage at the apartment complex, so some got extra work in above what others who did not want to get in extra swings. It is not an instructional league where you are going to get a lot of instruction on skills, but the coaches did work with players in the general course of the season.

Overall, most I have heard they had a good experience. The level of competition is sound pulling players from throughout the country; it is certainly not the high powered league that you find in Alaska, the Cape, Northwood’s, etc., you can find players who are not necessary starters from stronger 4 year schools and there were some incoming freshman from strong schools who did very well in the league.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Wow such great info. I talked to son and he is trying to justify standing his girl friend and family up. Even though they say they understand he is feeling guilty.

The poor guy is in love. What can I say.

Must be if he's trying to justify going to play in the HSCL over going to a wedding looks like his priorities are changing some, to me it's a no brainer, most guys would kill to play in that league.
Doc I agree. Most guys in their right mind would say see you when I get back.
This is his 1st girl friend and she is a southern beauty. Maybe his priorities are right on. He is a very happy guy and to find a girl who is as great as she is in all ways is often once in a life time. Charleston South Carolina is nothing to sneeze at either. She also was catcher and supports his college BB 100%. My wife and I would be thrilled if he comes away with a degree and a wonderful young lady like her. His chances of going past college ball are slim so what else is there ?

Doc when he stepped into the cold Buffalo air and saw all the snow, I asked him how he liked the cold. He said it was a break from the hot humid air in Charleston.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Doc I agree. Most guys in their right mind would say see you when I get back.
This is his 1st girl friend and she is a southern beauty. Maybe his priorities are right on. He is a very happy guy and to find a girl who is as great as she is in all ways is often once in a life time. Charleston South Carolina is nothing to sneeze at either. She also was catcher and supports his college BB 100%. My wife and I would be thrilled if he comes away with a degree and a wonderful young lady like her. His chances of going past college ball are slim so what else is there ?

Doc when he stepped into the cold Buffalo air and saw all the snow, I asked him how he liked the cold. He said it was a break from the hot humid air in Charleston.


What a dream relationship! She can catch a bullpen for him! We have a friend in the minors who said he never had a girl friend in high school and college because he was waiting for a girl who could throw him BP, my son took care of that where he has a girl friend who is a pitcher, only problem is the ball comes a different angle and is a larger ball!

He should definitely not go to the Hawaiian League!

Besides having to play with and against many players from the west coast, improving his skills, and building new relationships; having to play on a rock in the middle of a warm ocean for a couple of months is just not right!

He may get a “leis” when he gets there, the girls don’t know to wear “thongs” on their feet and they can’t afford a full set of clothing as you can tell by the fact they walk around with very little clothing. Some of the guys only wear grass skirts! You don’t want to subject your son, being in a relationship, to an atmosphere that they don’t wear several layers of thick clothing!

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