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Last year when i was a freshman I was waiting for our team initiation, especially since there were something like 14 freshman on the team. I was actually looking forward to what the upper classmen had in store for us. However, it never came. From early February until mid March, fresham were stuck doing the regular clean up equipment and such, but usually had the help of the upperclassmen. when we got to florida for spring break we were finally initiated. Coach handed each of the freshman a schedule of who did laundry throughout the week. I was actually disappointed, but that has been a tradition for some 20 years here, so that's all that happens.
I totally disagree with hazing, A person wanting to play a sport should not be harassed by upperclassmen. If they are tru leaders they need to help guide the new guys and bond thru leadership. I have played lots of sports and never let anyone pick on me, as i got older i was the one who included the younger kids and demanded the same of my buddys. Its never cool to be a bully. and yes i have issues, I was the fat kid they never respected, and had to work 10 times harder to earn respect. I really don't understand what is great about picking on a kid because they are new and wanting to play a sport. If the coach has the freshman doing the field work or packing equip., that is not hazing. I wouldn't want my son to be part of a TEAM that harasses its freshman or new players.

Confusis say: "Baseball was wrong, Man can not walk with 4 balls"
Verbal, mental, or physical abuse, even mild intimidation, is wrong.

Paying dues by doing a few extra chores is ... paying dues. When my son was the only freshman on varsity, he carried team equipment like bats and helmets, and had to do some extra locker room cleanup once in a while. Coach seemed to be aware of it, but the team captains were the ones who assigned it. That seemed reasonable to him.
I view the carrying of bags, field maintainence etc not unlike those duties that are performed at many jobs at entry-level...low man down.
The "hazing" of any human is morally incorrect and should never, ever be tolerated and should be reported ASASP

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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