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Last night @ U12 game a RH batter while backing out on an inside pitch took his left hand off the bat and swatted at the ball as if it were a bee. Ball hit his left hand, otherwise wouldn't have hit him. What is the proper call ?
An educated man went to visit a Zen master. He wished to learn what the Zen master knew. The master invited him in for tea and listened as his visitor told of his outstanding education. As the visitor talked on and on about his long and valuable education, the Zen master began pouring more tea for the man, until his cup was overflowing and the tea was spilling onto the man and onto the floor. “Stop,” the man said, “My cup is already too full; it cannot hold anymore.” “Yes,” said the Zen Master.
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HTBT but sounds like a natural albeit not to smart way to protect him/herself. Kinda like the stab victim that has multiple scars on the hands, it's not they'd rather be stabbed in the hands, just this is a natural reaction to protect oneself, Dead ball, take your base.

Maybe a better less gruesome example would be; a person falling down, will attempt to put the hand/s up to protect the body, they didn't prefer two broken wrist over a scraped chin it's just natural.
Do Not allow him a base. The sitch said it wouldn't have hit except he reached out and swatted at it. Although it may have been a reflex, you can't reward him for a dump action. The next time he may decide to do it on purpose. It worked last time, might as well try it again. Kill the ball, call the ball and explain the errors of his ways. Big Grin
oh come on now, it's not like it's a varsity or even a JV game they COULD be 10 or 11. i highly doubt he did it on purpose. call it a ball and explain why. putting him on the bench isnt going to help the situation, who knows, maybe after you put him on the bench he never plays ball again. is that really what you want to do to a KID that was just trying to protect himself. i hope not, beezer

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