I thought I knew the rules, but after watching the last three games I would like a little clarification.
Do you have to move out of the way if you are in the batters box and you get hit?
Are the hands part of the bat?
If you are moving your body away from the pitch(turning away) with your hands up is that a swing?
Do you call it a strike no matter where the ball is if a kid gets hit in one of the above situations?
On a side note, are field umpires required to move if they are asked to by a fielder or runner?
I thought I knew the answers to these questions but maybe I don't. They have all come up and my son was asking what the rules actually is? I would appreciate any info. Plus just for fun, any one heard of a ground rule triple when a ball gets stuck under the outfield fence? Or letting a runner score from first on a ground rule double? There isn't any local rule for it.
These are paid umps by the way and yes I am making fun of them but I would like to know the rules for HBP so I can explain them for my son.
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