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Two weekends ago, my son had a rough outing in Nevada playing JC Ball.  Overall he has had a really good Freshman Season.  His MPH has improved, and he seems to be making steady progress.  Anyhow, after the bad start, he called my wife and led her through how the game progressively got worse for him. 

Lead off walk, bloop single, Catcher's Interference, etc.  Growing up in Idaho, my son has RARELY had an HR hit off of him.   This includes many PG Events (Wood Bat in Atlanta, PG Jr. National, etc.)  Later in the inning, he gave up a monster shot, and he told my wife, "he hit the ball so hard, he hurt my feelings!"

Obviously, the statement was tongue in cheek, but it made me laugh really hard...

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Those are classic.  Son has a pretty BIG grin when he heard.  Here's a few funny ones we heard this week from an opposing team's students.  

I'll change the names to protect the innocent here, but our kids were met chants when they got in the batter's box.

At bat....  Jake "smith" - Students.... Hey Jake, what are ya wearing? .... Khaki's?  (ala State Farm commercial)

At bat....  "Pete" Cone - Students.... Hey Pete, you're not a 'Cone' you're a 'Hexagon'!  

Funniest part is the kid commented at the end of the game... Why are they calling me a hexagon? Teammates explained to him that a cone is a shape, hexagon is a different shape (ha ha).

I know my wife and I were in the minority b/c some of our parents got pretty fired up at the chants, but we give the other teams students an A+ for creativity. Kinda reminded us of CWS.

Good luck to all this spring, and stay healthy for summer!

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