Yes, usually caused from the spine line collapsing. Meaning some hitters begin to rotate, they will flex/bend their upper body backward towards their back leg. This can create the head tilt you're talking about. While the balance should remain forward (towards the plate), we don't want hitters to collapse the backside during the early part of the swing.
There are a couple drills I use to get kids to feel they are doing this. I've had sucess with having the hitter kneel down with his back knee and front foot on the ground. Like in this pic, except with a bat.
I'll then do some front toss and let them take a few swings. They will feel their spine line change (collapsing) much easier in this posture than if they are standing. Once they can detect the problem, then I'll have them stand up and take a few less than 100% swings. Once they can feel themselves doing it incorrectly, we'll make quick progress.