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November 4 & 5 are the dates of the NJ Teacher's Convention. Schools are closed throughout the state.

My son and I are heading up to Cooperstown again this year. We took this same trip 2 years ago during this same time off from school.

Cooperstown is your typical little sleepy country town. The place literally closes down after 5:00 PM. I love the museum and what it stands for. What really surprised me was how little else there is to do up there in the fall. (except shop - which we did) There was no baseball going on at any of the fields 2 years ago. They have a "Wax Museum" which was OK but kinda lame (as all wax museums are).

We are getting excited about the trip. Just can't wait!!!
cong [url=]Youth Baseball Coaching[/url] "In a child, sports build character. In adults, sports reveal character."
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cooperstown.... 1 of my most enjoiable trips ever!!!! my wife and i went on a businees trip to scranton PA. we live in cal so the trip east was a first. we had both boys playing little league so we planned a trip (off season) to williamsport and cooperstown. williamsport museum was great but could never compare to what we would encounter at cooperstown. we arrived early to be able to spend all day taking in the town and museum. the museum was great but we wandered into the archive area and just happen to ask about my uncle (jim merritt lhp) the man running the counter in the archives was just about awestruck that we were relatives of a major league player! most of the people there in the archives were writers or others searching out stats and info on players and teams . we were given a room with a video player and brought files with his name, team names from years he played, world series from years he played (65 with the twins , 70 with the reds) there was pictures, newspaper articles, interviews with the likes of hank aaron talking about how he had trouble hitting off of my uncle. i got to see video of my uncle picking off maury wills at 2nd base in the 65 world series (i was only 5 and couldnt go). time passed so quickly and they just kept bringing things into our room until... the man running the counter came to us and said its almost closing time! my wife almost freaked out "oh my gosh i havent been to the gift shop yet" it was then the man told us that they were still there an hour or so afterwords so that we could stay while they cleaned up! they exited all the other patrons of the museum and my wife was escorted to the gift shop and then locked inside(her dream come true).i frantically made photo copies and tried to consume everthing i could in the time i had left. then i was escorted personnally by the man from the archives to the gift shop and locked inside . he thanked me and my wife for coming and hoped we would come back again! i thought to myself wow what is a player treated like here? i shoped for about 15 mins and then we were both escorted out a side door of the building and thanked from the gift shop personnel for coming (with smiles on thier faces). coming from california we have never experienced such hospitality in our lives! we have vowed to go back with our whole family when Cal ripken is inducted. we know it wont be the same quiet sleepy little town. but the memories of that trip we always be with us!
Last edited by RIPKENFAN
What a horrible disappointment!!!!

We snuck out early early early on Wednesday morning and headed up to Cooperstown. Did I mention we left early? I thought we would add on an extra day and head over to Howe Cavern for something a little different on one of the days.

We made it up there by 9:00 AM. My God what a disappointment!!!! There is major construction going on up there. There was less than 1/3 of the hall available to the public. We had seen and read everything available to us in less than 3 hours. The first floor was mostly unavailable.... The second floor and a few square feet, the small Ruth / Cobb section and another room with nothing remarkable..... The Third floor was a new Sports Illustrated cover display. I had seen them all in the 50th anniversary issue.... This was a large room with a lot of wasted space. All in all a major disappointment!!!!

I found the management and complained how they should notify people via the website that large parts of the museum were unavailable.... I had printed out the floor plan in advance and there was not mention anywhere about construction... I suggested they add that information to every page... We'll see what happens.

We went to the cavern today and returned home... ate the extra nights lodging costs.....

So sorry to hear that your trip was a disappointment. I've only been to Cooperstown once, in 1987, and it was something great. Nice town, nice people, great museum. Maybe you'll get another trip back when it's all done up right. I was pregnant with my youngest when we went, (he's grown up to be a strapping LHP)and I was pretty green around the gills that trip with morning (more like all day) sickness. So whenever I think of Cooperstown, I feel just a twinge of nauseousness...I hope your memory of construction is someday replaced by memories of what the hall is really like.
If you ever head back, take time to hit the Farmers Museum. It is really quite amazing, and is nice place to spend an afternoon.

Renting a boat to take a trip around the lack would not be a bad idea either. I was there in July of 2002, which has to be the best time. Baseball all day, the museum, and good food in the local resturants.
Great Place ..We went this year for the Induction weekend. Everything was well organized.Every year for the last 30 years I kept saying I was going. I went with my 16yo son for 3 days. Sorry I didnt go sooner. On the way into town they were building a new Holiday Inn Express. Looks like a convenient place to stay.In the middle of town there was a great place to eat breakfast or lunch, I believe it was call the doubleday cafe. I cant wait to go back again. Look out for theose cows on the way up

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