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So as I've said before the kid has been lucky to get to work offseason with an MLB scout that's really high up the food chain. He went to hit with him today and I tagged along. After the first round of drills, he got out a three-wheel pitching machine. He went on to state said machine was the wave of the future. That it was all the Phillies use and a lot of major league and college teams were going to follow suit. Listening I guess the thing, because of the spin it imparts on the ball, throws a very flat pitch, Gone is the 2-3 degree trajectory. He was like "make no mistake this machine is going to eat your lunch" and it did. Granted most of the kids in this session were HS age, but the word is it embarrassed a couple DI players the day before. 

I am happy to report "the machine" did not eat the kid's lunch.

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