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If you haven't seen the comedy on NBC this topic probably won't make any sense to you. I have been a member of this site for several years now and have been wondering how you collect Karma points. On the show Earl determines that in order to improve his Karma he must apologize and make right all the wrongs he has committed in his life. If he does this he will improve his Karma and life will be good. I have been reading this site for years yet apparently have not achieved enough Karma points to be considered a HSBBWeb Old Timer.

I really think these points are probably established through number of posts but figure it wouldn't hurt to thank some of the major contributors for making this a place I check almost everyday just to see what is happening.

1)To Bob for establishing what has got to be the best and most entertaining and educational website on the planet.

2)To MN-Mom for taking over and keeping this place running. I would probably get a lot more work done each day if she hadn't volunteered but I would suffer cold turkey if it ever shut down.

3) To Fungo for his thought provoking topics as well as the responses he provides. I wish I was that smart.

4) To TPM, Ditto above

5) To TRhit for everything he adds and does and for stayng on top of Linear, relentlessly.

6) to Bullwinkle for just making me laugh.

7) To ClevelandDad,luvbb and PAmom for running the best local forum and allowing me to visit once and awhile

8) To Bear for simply confusing the heck outa me everytime he posts. I am sure he knows what he is talking about, I just never do. Smile

9) To TARatko for being the only member I have actually met. I miss seeing you here.

10) To everyone else that I missed for making this place feel like a vital part of my day. I am through the college recruiting part of the journey but am still learning something new almost evertime I log on.

Maybe this won't get me the title "old timer" but I am glad I am one.

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I do believe you may have got the ball rolling with this karma probably piqued BD2579's curiosity and he then asked...

I was just looking around on my profile and i see something called karma points....just wondering what they were? and how you get them?

The rest is 35 pages of history and growing!

Way to go jmepop! You and BD2579 make a good karma tag team! good
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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