hello, this is my first time posting here. im a high school junior, but i have not played a single game of baseball. i tried out for the JV team as a sophomore but i was cut. Over the summer and winter i worked with a coach who played professionally. He would place me in every position except for pitcher. The infield, specifically 2b felt the most comfortable and complacent. I really adapted well to that position. I also want to pitch, but the coach told me not to and in addition said i would never be a pitcher. I threw off the mound yesterday for the first time in my life and was wild. I have also been through a intensive conditioning program (functional/weight training and yoga) in addition to the lessons. The question i want to ask is should i be more realistic and forget about pitching for now and continue to work on being a better second baseman or should i work on my mechanics along with 2b? 2b is the weakest position on the varsity team as of right now and a better second baseman would supercede the current starting second baseman and tremendously help the team. Thank you for your time and input!
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