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Yikes! Eek

I just received our monthly bill for hosting of the site and forums, and we hit a new record, $393.20.

We had a huge overage on bandwidth usage which I'm going to take a look at. That's not such a bad thing though - hopefully it just means that lots of people are visiting and making good use of the site.

However, the other large overage area was the number of old stored posts. Yes, we pay extra not only for total disk/storage space used, but for the total number of posts stored.

I don't want to delete a lot of the old PUBLIC threads and posts because members and visitors do go back and read those and learn from them. But if you have some old Private Message threads that aren't needed, you can help out by deleting those.


In the row of green buttons above, click on Go, then select Personal Zone, then Private Messaging. On the screen listing all of your PM threads, click the little box to the left of a thread you want to delete. Then click the Delete button at the bottom of that page. Of course you could copy the thread into a Word doc on your own computer first if you think you might want to refer back to it.

I will be looking at how we can reduce the cost a bit by possibly switching to a different price plan offered by our current host, but you can help immediately just by deleting some of those old Private Message threads.


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I thought of that too, but I don't think it's the culprit. Generally the pictures in members' posts are hosted on other servers, which shouldn't add to the bandwidth of the account. As you can see, I have been adding some sponsor banners and ads to help with costs, but those are also hosted on a separate hosting space that I rent at a lower cost, not adding to the bandwidth of

I have actually thought about moving the whole site to a less expensive server, but I have not found any that offer the exact same forum features that this one ( / InfoPop) does, with our Private Messaging, Notifications, etc. ... which is perhaps why they can justify charging a higher rate for our bandwidth, # of posts, etc. But I'm checking with Groupee again on options for bumping up to a plan with a higher monthly base rate but fewer overages.

No Beezer... no notification goes unless the one deleting tells the other person(s). Also if you don't realize a PM has been deleted by someone else and you resond, they'll never get it. If the person that's deleting the PM is the one that started the PM, it will be deleted from everyone. If you're not the one that started it, it will only be deleted from your inbox. Smile
I did my share, but I do think that lots of the added pics may increase your costs.
I remember Bob used to clear space now and then, you might want to give that a try, I am sure, with repeated threads on certain subjects, you can delete a lot.

Others can also do there share by sending Julie contributions to help with costs so we can keep this great site going!

I am sure y'all will hear from Former Observer about that by the end of the day! Smile
Originally posted by lafmom:
No Beezer... no notification goes unless the one deleting tells the other person(s). Also if you don't realize a PM has been deleted by someone else and you resond, they'll never get it. If the person that's deleting the PM is the one that started the PM, it will be deleted from everyone. If you're not the one that started it, it will only be deleted from your inbox. Smile

Well how does a certain webster do it?
Originally posted by Beezer:
Originally posted by lafmom:
No Beezer... no notification goes unless the one deleting tells the other person(s). Also if you don't realize a PM has been deleted by someone else and you resond, they'll never get it. If the person that's deleting the PM is the one that started the PM, it will be deleted from everyone. If you're not the one that started it, it will only be deleted from your inbox. Smile

Well how does a certain webster do it?

How do you delete messages? Look beside each PM, regardless if you started it or someone else... there is a box. Click on that box and a check will appear. Then at the bottom of the screen is a box or an option that says delete messages. All that you have checked will be deleted.

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