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Could someone provide me with a link to a site that I might get a workout for my son (8th grader) . We are just getting started . Would like some weight training, core and speed/agility drills to work on this off season. Any help would be appreciated
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I am in the same situation as you and looking to put together a program for an 8th grader. A good place to start is reading the articles on Jon Doyle's web site
I just started my research this week. I am going to put together a workout that can be done in an hour or less and incorporates all five of the phases below.

Would love to hear from other people who have already put together workout programs or have comments on what I have. Any help on combining the below into a couple of different workouts would be appreciated.

1. Dynamic Warm-Up: will include some combination of the below.

Walking High Knees
Walking Lunges
Walking High Knee Lunge
Walking Leg Kicks
Walking Side Lunge
Running Butt Kicks
Running High Knees
Running Carioca
Power Skip
Lying Scorpion
Arm Swings
Side Bends
Shin Grabs
Leg Overs

2. Active Conditioning: will include some combination of the below.

Jumping Jacks
Split Shuffles
Mountain Climbers
Slalom Jumps
Tire Throw
Tire Flip
Sledgehammer/Tire Work
Farmer's Walk
Sled Pull
Medicine Ball Throw

3. Weight Training: will include some combination of the below.

Bench Press
Overhead Press
Calf Raises

4. Core Work - Unbreakable Abs

5. Static Stretching

I am also looking to put together a winter conditioning program for an 8th grader. I think we need to limit the weights, because he is in a rapid growth spurt, so I am looking at more body weight exercises...

What I have so far:

Workout 1:
Dynamic stretches
Core Exercises
Body Weight/light dumb bell exercises (no weights)
Throwers 10

Workout 2:
Dynamic stretches
Agility Drills (ladders, dots, jump rope)
Medicine Ball Drills

Workout 3:
Dynamic Stretches
Running (Sprints or Intervals or Hills)
Long Toss
Throwers 10

I have 2 questions. Is the long toss ok after the running? I am guessing it could go after Workout 2 or 3, but, probably not 1.

Secondly, does anyone have any suggestions on developing flexibility? In particular for baseball

I have read Tom Kurz's book on Stretching Scientifically, but a lot of it is focused on martial arts.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

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