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Can someone please post for me in mph what is considered above average bat speed - a speed colleges would take notice of-for a 5'10" 185 lb Senior?

I ask because my 2011 son has sent out hundreds of emails over the last year. We live in a rural area & getting noticed has been a big problem so far...

was invited to many camps, but only one 'official' workout.

He was clocked at XXmph unfortunately, the school doesn't carry his major. As kind of a last ditch effort, my son sent out emails this weekend stating how he had received the offer but was still searching etc & stated what the coach had clocked his bat speed at- he got 3 responses back this morning- A school in SC asked for his transcripts so he could 'get him in the system & get things started', also when he could come visit- is this something we should take as serious interest, even though it is so late in the recruiting process?
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My son told me that it was ' how fast he got the bat around' I remember he said he needed to word his emails carefully so the coach would NOT think it was ball exit speed.

I don't know if it was wood or metal- he works out with both. I understand that some colleges use wood, others metal. Do most d2's use metal or wood or does it vary?
Thanks- I asked my son & he was timed with wood. My son said Pujols speed is below average for a pro player, but maybe for college its good?

I originally asked my question because we have sent so many many emails with little response until he mentioned bat speed- my thinking is that if the bat speed is what's getting interest, then perhaps my son should conside resending emails that didn't get a response before or do you think its just too late for that?
I looked at the link but it's very confusing- the coach told him his speed was 87, he pitched to him, my son swung with wood- can someone translate?- Is it possible that the coach got my son's bat speed wrong? He definitely told him it was bat speed, NOT BALL EXIT SPEED- could he have made a mistake about the speed? 87 seems good, unless I'm reading those charts wrong- so why has it been such an uphill battle to get responses from coaches? I know that his other skills are good- he was invited to the Area Codes tryouts last june & I know that players have to have some skill to be invited, so why so much trouble getting coaches to notice him?
Last edited by cleanup14
I am interested in this as well. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter as you can swing a certain way that the radar likes and it will read higher. I have seen kids with a bat speed of 90 and they can't hit a ball 300 ft. Pujols on the other hand is 86 and hits it 450 ft with wood.

My 2013 was around 78 about a month ago. His peak is around 81. That is swinging a 33-30 and measuring it with a swing speed radar. He is a HR hitter and had 9 last year on varsity for what it's worth.
Well, my kid has always hit far & hard. I still have his 1st hr ball from when he was 12- its bent.When, he was 15 he hit a building across the field that Google maps says was 415 ft. away. He's hit that far several times since too-

I say this only to point out my frustration that it's almost April- my kids a Senior & still uncomitted. Uncomitted is too generous- invisible is more accurate.

He has a berecruited website with over 2100 coach views- 5351 connections & 2772 letters have gone out.

He's sent another few hundred personalized emails on his own too. Basic stat info, links to video workouts, stating that his HS plays in a group 4-He says his biggest problems are his height & speed- he runs a 7.2 60.
He went to a PG Showcase last June & was graded a 7.5- certainly average, I think.

He has been in his cage every day since he was 12 through rain sleet & snow- even if it meant taking it down & putting it up again the next day after a blizzard-

The results of all his efforts have been 1 workout at a D2 college in NY- which did earn him an offer ( again, not to be ungrateful, but the school did not have his major- he plans to go to law school so this was a big deal)
& currently there is 1 D3 in Pa heavily recruiting him for 3B.

I guess the point of my post here is really this:

Help! I've watched my boy work towards this dream since he was too little to hold up a bat & time seems to be running out-

What can I do to help him get noticed- does anyone know if this bat speed thing will help?
I agree with floridafan. No one ever asked my son what his bat speed was, either. The only time I ever heard talk about bat speed in terms of mph, and the only time I know of that it was measured was at a JUCO camp several years ago. I know it is important, but I would guess that most scouts/recruiters can spot a quick bat without needing a specific measurement.

You have one D2 offer, but not a good fit, and an interested D3. What are you hoping for?
All I am hoping for is an assurance that he has a spot somewhere & D3's don't seem to offer that-

The d3 that seems to want him is is very small, with so so academics. He has also been admitted to Ithaca College, his top choice right now because of its academics-
He visited the coach, who sent him a letter after & 1 follow up email stating that he feels he 'would be able to compete on the team' but hasn't seen him play etc. In other words, if he attends Ithaca, he may or may not play baseball. Ithaca seems to have a roster with at least 2 upperclassmen 3B players.

There is this one school in SC that emailed yesterday. At first I was concerned that maybe the Coach only glanced at the email & didn't realize he's a 2011- turns out an admissions counselor contacted him last night & said the coach came to him & asked that he get in touch..good news perhaps?

This morning he got another email from a coach saying sorry he missed him & he'd try again tonight-that school is waayyy south- near Miami. (it's been his dream to place south- better weather-more time to play/train)
He went to a PG Showcase last June & was graded a 7.5- certainly average, I think

I wouldn't toss aside the 7.5 rating. That is a pretty darn good rating...Just ask 2BMom. Have you seen the breakdown of what the numbers indicate on the PG website. 7.5 is somewhere between top Juco, D2 and Definite D1. Nothing to scoff at IMO.
I totally understand your pain of knowing your son has the ability to play somewhere and it being your dream want to do everything you can to help him obtain it! I am also a mom of a son similar to yours and just recently was told about this website. One advantage is that he is junior, however we are in a very rural area as well. I just wanted to ask the best way to get seen to be invited to Area Codes or to play at Perfect Game? From what I have read that is what we need to be doing. I am like you don't want to get into the "braggin" but I know you have to get stats out there somehow. My son is like yours, has worked very hard and has the talent (that may be bragging) but anyway, just wanted you to know there is another mom out here going down the same road and if there is info you learn from your experiences it would be greatly appreciated if you send it my way. There are not even any travel high school teams in our area right now. He has played on several up through 15 and played out of the country last year, just to get a new experience and some excellent coaching. Good Luck to you and your son! And comments other than from mom are welcome as well. Thanks!
Thanks 2013 dad- My son told me he did terrible at the showcase. He suffers from insomnia, 3rd generation & only slept 3 hours the night before. He said he would have been better off not going at all so I always assumed that the PG rating was 'a gift' My son tells me its too late for him, that we're wasting our time - I am actually the one who nagged him into sending these emails out this week, mentioning the offer & his bat speed-

It seems the consensus here is that bat speed is not that big a factor- I guess I am just grasping at straws. As parents, we want to fix everything for our kids, make all their dreams come true. There's no worse feeling than knowing you can't fix something for your child.
Good point, he actually hasn't but there is a reason- he'd have to be afraid that if a coach showed up to watch him, his HS coach would tell him not to bother. ( I came back & edited something here- it occurs to me that if a teammate reads it- it might divulge what coach I am speaking of & I don't want that) I will reword to say- Our coach is new & has only seen my son play a few times, however,

My son went to this coach last Fall with a stack full of emails from college coaches, asking for help gauging interest etc. The coach told him he wasn't good enough to play at a D2 & would never get a scholarship so not to bother wasting his time. In fact, the coach added, he had been getting many phone calls from coaches & thats what he had been telling them- that their teams were above my sons level.

He should have punched my son in the face, it would have hurt less. Fortunately, my son plays for a varsity coach in a neighboring town in Summer & Fall- we asked him if he agreed with our coaches' s assessment- he did not.
We took his HS coach's contact info off of recruiting sites & forms after that lecture & put only the Summer/Fall coach down- could this have been what hurt him- the bad reviews from the HS coach or the fact that only his Summer coach is listed on his berecruited site?
Last edited by cleanup14
bwat10- This is the post you meant! No I didn't see it. It sounds like we could live in the same town! I wish I knew how my son got that invite to Area Codes but I don't. I do know a scout came to see him once & he was fortunate enough to hit a HR while he was there but the scout was what old timers here taught me was a 'bird dog' scout not a professional, someone who works for professionals...As for getting noticed in my town- our team has won about 8 games total in the last 2 seasons. In other words, the baseball world is not beating a path to our door.

When we asked our coach last year whether my son should do the Area Code thing he said he'd never heard of it. Good thing I had sense to come here & research it- although it really hasn't helped him, as you can see by his current, uncomitted status.

My best advice to you is first- don't give up- start early, send as many emails as possible & just this week I have learned the most important lesson of all- bat speed must matter to some coaches because my son is finally getting responses!

If something good does come about because of his new round of emails, I will be sure to tell you what worked!
Cleanup14--Thank you for the encouragement! And yes please do keep us informed of what works and does not. Seems like there is so much out there, and sure want to concentrate on what will make his dream come true. Good Luck to you as well! I will get him on the emails--that is something we have not done. But not really sure what all they want and don't want. But from what you have said maybe we need to include batspeed. But in Arkansas, from what I have read and heard we will be looking for places to go to be seen, they don't come to our rural area. Anyone know of any scouts in this area or teams we need to approach for a try-out?
Thanks again! Keep me posted!

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