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My son is 12. New to baseball. This was his first season. He's fast! Quiet kid. Plays short stop, center field and catcher. He is also put in as a pinch runner when they need him. Dad and I are bit overwhelmed as he is already being approached by the high school baseball scouts who want to make sure he sticks with BB. They say that he has a lot of untapped talent and that he is "coachable."Anybody else out there experiencing this? Any suggestions? My son also plays basketball, s****r and football but baseball has become his all time love.
"Regardless of your destination, your journey in sports helps prepare you for life." -Marcus Allen
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Please continue to encourage him to play as many sports as he enjoys playing. If he is a good athlete, playing more sports will keep more options open to him. Nobody knows which sport may be his best in the future. There are no guarantees of success in any sport. I have seen too many kids try to specialize too early, then when/if they no longer excel at that one sport they have no other specific sport skills developed for other sports.

He is 12 years old. Some of the best 12 year old baseball players never play HS varsity basebll.
Last edited by grateful
Thank you for your quick response. His dad and I don't care what, if any, sports he sticks with as long as he maintains an A/B average in school. This is all self motivated. He really loves all competitive sports with the exception of hockey...he can't skate. He studies his sports on television, reads up on them and convinces older kids in the neighborhood to help him practice. Being a quiet kid, it takes a lot for him to approach older kids but that shows just how bad he wants it. I throw like a girl and his dad has a crazy schedule so he is not left with a lot of options. Anyhow, I agree with your advice. I just worry sometimes about the interference of coaches and scouts. My goal is for him to stay a good kid and continue to get good grades and get into a good college.
northwoodgal -
Just keep doing what you're doing and don't let anyone's comments cause you to start second-guessing. At just 12yrs you have a number of years of sports ahead for you and your son. It will only get crazier if your son continues to display above average talent. So enjoy the complements but keep your focus on academics and letting him play for the love of the sport(s)! Time enough for the recruiting game once he reaches HS. Welcome to the HSBBW! Smile
Last edited by RHP05Parent

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