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Your nutrition needs to be cleaned up big time. Without proper nutrition you wil not get into great, or even good, shape.

And yes you need to lift in-season. It is very hard for us to prescribe a specific workout considering we have not had the chance to evaluate you, but I will say this. Focus on compounds movements, posterior chain and rotator cuf strength in-season.
Here is a sample diet I wrote for a friend...

Nutrition is 75% of the battle. Focus on compound movements (bench, squat, deadlift) and also make sure to do isolation work for your shoulder. Your calories would be a lot higher for someone of your size, but following a routine like this is the way to get in serious shape. Disreguard the supplements until your diet/training is 100% in order.

Immediately upon waking (or pre-morning cardio, if you do it):

2 caps Fish Oil

Meal 1: 6:30am (or half an hour upon waking)

1 Cup Oats w/2*** honey
Protein Shake with 30g Protein mixed in 8oz lactaid milk
(On weekends substitute 2 whole eggs and 4 whites for shake)

620 Calories: 50g Protein/70g Carbs/10g Fat

Meal 2: 9:00am

Can/two pouches of Tuna w/salsa to flavor (optional)
Granola bar
1 cap Sesamin

300 Calories: 40g Protein/30g Carbs/4g Fat

Meal 3: 11:35am (lunch)

2 large skinless chicken breasts w/2 ***. Olive oil/seasoning
1 cap Sesamin
Green Vegetable/salad such as Broccoli w/fat-free dressing
2 caps Fish Oil

About 400 Calories: 50g Protein/40g carbs/20g fat

Meal 4: 12:30pm

1 Granola Bar
1 apple sauce

200 Calories: 50g Carbs/0g Protein/0g Fat

PreWO: 1:15pm

2 caps Scorch
NO product/Vitamins/Whatever else you’re taking

2:00pm: Workout (increase set/rep volume after cores)

3:30pm (or right when you get home):

Protein shake in water with 40g Protein
30g Gatorade Powder/30g other high GI carb, such as maltodextrin, dextrose, or sucrose (sugars)
2g Vitamin C+Vitamin E 800 IU (optional but recommended)
Bulk Creatine

280 Calories: 40g Protein/30g Carbs/0g Fat

6:30pm (or whenever, but try not to eat dinner after 7:00):

Have a lean protein source such as steak, and one or two carb sources. Eat as much protein as you like, but keep the carbs to a minimum (350 calories or under). Don’t eat any carbs after 7:00 for the first month of dieting.
1 cap Sesamin
2 caps Fish Oil

650 Calories: High Protein/Medium Carbs/Low Fat

9:00pm: Pre-Bed meal

Low-fat Cottage Cheese or Whey Protein shake
2 caps Fish Oil

160 calories: 40g Protein/0g Carbs/0g Fat


Calories: 2610

Protein: 270g

Carbohydrates: 260g

Fat: 44g (excluding Sesamin/Fish Oil)

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