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I need some help about an issue we are currently faced with. Long story short, I recently posted about an issue my sons high school coach has with my son playing travel ball. With his HS season nearing and end soon, due to the coaches displeasure with my son playing travel abll, my son has spent almost every minute of his junior year on the bench, FYI, he was the starter last year and now with showcases coming up and recruiters asking him for his HS stats, he really doesn't have any. What should we do when asked about his stats??? HELP!! Frown
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For real. No one ever asked to see my son's stats. Ever. And they were fantastic. Just didn't matter. Like what's said above -- they've gotta SEE you (showcase/camp) and you need to play lights-out baseball while you're in front of them......hustle out everything, sprint on and off the field, be that guy on the top step of the dugout boosting his teammates out on the field......

Some kids go on to the next level from high schools that don't even offer don't worry about it.
The questionnaires are mostly for getting you on a mailing list. I don't know that many coaches actually read them. If they do read them they surely can't believe half of what they read. LOL
What can you do? Relax, move forward, and let your son do the talking. He's the one that will be showcasing. He's the one that the recruiters will want to talk to, and they probably won't ask him about his stats- they won't matter one iota compared to how he plays and what he says.
Last edited by spizzlepop
Why do poeple keep getting so concerned about their kids stats----how does a coach know who they played against? Who kept the book?

The coach needs to see the kid---many kids have gotten deal just off of one game alone---coach liked what he saw not what he read on a sheet of paper

BTW good coaches don't bench kids because of who they play or don't play with in the summer especially if the summer has not gotten here yet---if the kid has the goods he plays--I think there is more here than meets the eye
Most college coaches never ask to see the HS stats. If they do just say his HS stats aren’t available. Since your son played summer ball you can provide them with his summer stats if they want to see some stats. I think college coaches rely on his and his staff’s evaluation of players --- and put very little stock in high school parent’s scorebook. Control what you can and don’t waste time on things you can’t control. My son was recruited by a number of colleges and only one asked to see his stats. The one school that asked for his stats was the college he had already signed an NLI with and it was the public relations department that called because they were preparing a media release about his signing. I was the high school statistician and I took the call. No coaches ever asked.
Your son's select summer ball coach is more important than the hs coach. When my son was recruited, the college coaches never talked to the hs coach. Don't worry about it. Tell your son to work his heart out during summer ball. I would also encourage him to play fall ball with his same summer team if they offer a fall ball program. This might require giving up football if he plays, but fall ball is very important because that is when the teams scrimmage at the colleges.
Regardless of who is right or who is wrong, carry on with plans to showcase, play travel ball in summer, fall, etc.

Over the past several months there has been too much negative stuff posted about coaches, parents and players (my son deserves to play over this one or that or for whatever reason).

The one thing I have learned about baseball as a parent is that you can never figure anything out that a coach may decide to do just as coaches can't figure out why parents act the way they do or why players mess up at any level (they are human). All of our kids have been in situations we or they didn't like, at all levels, how you (your attitude with your player) and your player responds to every situation is what makes them winners or losers in this game. If you don't learn to adjust to situations (even ones you don't understand or like) your playing days will end sooner than you or he wish.

This game is about survival, for everyone involved.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Originally posted by sportsfamily:
Just an observation, but coaches never do anything wrong according to you. Do they?

Just an observation I've gotten from many on this board. "Players and Parents never do anything wrong. It's ALWAYS the coach's fault."

TR, I may be your new best friend. I understand how you feel when someone doesn't read the post. My apologies to you.

Now, bulldog, No where in here were we discussing parents. My post did not involve parents. The question was about coaches. But I will answer you're question. Yes, parents screw up. Parents make mistakes. Parents do things they shouldn't do. I, as a parent have made mistakes. Did I miss anything or does that cover it for you. Now, will anyone on here agree with the statement that coaches make mistakes? The question is not, do all coaches suck. The question is not are all coaches bad. The question is do coaches make mistakes? The answer is yes. I just wondered if anyone else will say it.
I have read all of your wise remarks & they are much appreciated. I agree with everything said. They are all types of coaches, parents & players as well. Some good, bad or indifferent in each case. My son will strive for what he has worked so hard for and when he wants to stop playing ball,my only hope it is his decision, not at the hand of someone else. No will will ever be able to question is hard work, dedication or love of the game. In the end it will be a life lesson for many things that lie ahead for him!
Thank you all again for your great insight!
Originally posted by sportsfamily:
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Originally posted by sportsfamily:
Just an observation, but coaches never do anything wrong according to you. Do they?

Just an observation I've gotten from many on this board. "Players and Parents never do anything wrong. It's ALWAYS the coach's fault."

TR, I may be your new best friend. I understand how you feel when someone doesn't read the post. My apologies to you.

Now, bulldog, No where in here were we discussing parents. My post did not involve parents. The question was about coaches. But I will answer you're question. Yes, parents screw up. Parents make mistakes. Parents do things they shouldn't do. I, as a parent have made mistakes. Did I miss anything or does that cover it for you. Now, will anyone on here agree with the statement that coaches make mistakes? The question is not, do all coaches suck. The question is not are all coaches bad. The question is do coaches make mistakes? The answer is yes. I just wondered if anyone else will say it.

Yes coaches make mistakes. But if you look back at probably the last 6-8 weeks you'll find probably at least 15 threads b***ing and moaning about the coach because "he has no clue; my player is awesome, etc,etc,etc." Meanwhile there is all of ONE where the parents are "in the wrong."

It's easy to blame someone for giving up earlier that you have to. All players face some type of challenges or adversity. Those that stick with it do so because they realize that this is part of what happens, often.

If one does that, the only blame is on the person giving up.
Thanks TPM,

No giving up here! My son will have a great summer and is looking forward to some excellent baseball. He has no one to blame if he does not try, that would be a real cop out! I believe that you have to give it your best shot and then if things don't work out, at least you can hold your head high and say I gave it my best. Sports is all about adversity and growing as an athlete. Like I said, he will learn many things from sports and all he learns will apply to real life after baseball. So, he is not giving up just yet-bring on the baseball games!!

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