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I have been throwing BP to a friend (lefty) and every inside or right down the middle pitch he pulls it foul and hits a weak ground ball. He drives the ball the opposite way good. I know its impossible to critique (SP?) his swing w/o seeing it, but what are some common mistakes that might cause a batter to do what hes doing?

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If a player locks up his backside (doesn't get the backside rotation from his hips) and his hands catch up with his belt buckle, then the hands roll and don't stay palm up and palm down. When the hands roll the barrel picks up and can cause a hitter to top the ball.

I teach hitting middle pitches first, not outside. The reason is a middle pitch should be driven up the middle with the player getting to extension (in front, not at contact) and with balance. The outside pitch should have extension, but I don't care as much about balance. The inside pitch has balance but not extension.

The backside rotation is not as pronounced on the outside pitch. Many stills and videos of major league hitters hitting an outside pitch show the back foot facing the contact and not rotated to the pitcher. With the inside pitch, you sometimes see that, but good inside pitch hitters usually get the back foot (which is really the hips) through the ball.

Hope this helps. Try getting your friend to work his backside rotation more. See where his back foot is when he hits an inside pitch -- I'm betting it is locked up and there is little rotation.
Start with a tennis raquet and tennis balls. Pitch the tennis balls and get him to hit the ball where he thinks it should be hit.

The raquet should be held correctly(punching knuckles and second knuckles on the same plane as the face of the raquet) and held like a baseball bat. All balls should be hit hard. This should help him re-train his motor skills because just telling him where to hit doesn't work.

After he is succesfull at putting the ball in the right part of the field give him the bat so he can adjust to the height of the ball, keep using the tennis balls, they are harder to hit square than baseballs.

Let me know if this helps


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