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We just sent the papers in, my son signed to play at Wright State this fall. It is a long way from his home in CA, but he will be close to his sister, a sr at Purdue.
So much joy in realizing this dream. As his mom, and with him being my only son, I can now say that it is all worth it. The T-ball, the Little League, the catchers gear, the bats, the camps, the showcases, the travel teams, the travel.
That little kid has grown to be quite the young man. Not grown yet, I know, but well on his way, just like yours.
Will I miss him? You bet. We are close, but as I have learned with my far away daughter, we have learned to cherish time spent and the relationship we have.
A proud day. So happy, so pleased.
Thanks to all here, especially O44, who have led us through the tangle of JC ball and all the questions. Thanks too to the staff of Fresno City College for their unyielding support of him through thick and thin.
Off he goes on another adventure!
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Mikamom- huge congrats from the mother of a catcher too. Some people don't realize how much time, effort, energy we spend to help our son's realize their dreams. I know how much you have helped your son along the way. Most importantly you always believed in him and he continued to work hard to attain his dream.

Good luck to you guys. Enjoy it because it goes all too fast. Sometimes I think the farther away they are the more they grow up. It's harder on us parents but the kids just want a chance to play, regardless of location. Keep us posted and wish him well for us.
Thank you twotex - I have found this to be the absolute best web site on the web. Lots of people with lots of experience and perspective. One goal- help boys play ball, get an education and grow up to be good people. I have a daughter that plays volleyball - you just don't find this kind of information flow in that sport - talk about cut throat!! (if someone knows of a similar site for vb players, please let me know!!!)
And thank you CaBB, your friendship and support since I met you at Davis has been wonderful. I remember how you gave me all kinds of tips that day, and I came away so thankful for having met you.
Originally posted by mikamom:
We just sent the papers in, my son signed to play at Wright State this fall. It is a long way from his home in CA, but he will be close to his sister, a sr at Purdue.
So much joy in realizing this dream. As his mom, and with him being my only son, I can now say that it is all worth it. The T-ball, the Little League, the catchers gear, the bats, the camps, the showcases, the travel teams, the travel.
That little kid has grown to be quite the young man. Not grown yet, I know, but well on his way, just like yours.
Will I miss him? You bet. We are close, but as I have learned with my far away daughter, we have learned to cherish time spent and the relationship we have.
A proud day. So happy, so pleased.
Thanks to all here, especially O44, who have led us through the tangle of JC ball and all the questions. Thanks too to the staff of Fresno City College for their unyielding support of him through thick and thin.
Off he goes on another adventure!

Congrats to you and your son. You will never meet a better group of Coaches then Coach Cooper and Coach Lovelady. I was fortunate enough to watch both play college ball at The Univ. of Miami.... Love or Lovey as he is affectionately called is absolutely the best!

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