Thought you all might like an update from the invalid herself ...
Was hospitalized on the 17th in an attempt to (1) get some relief from respitory distress,
(2) get some more testing done on a major scale/
(3) get some heavy duty antibiotics going intravenously AND MOST IMPORTANTLY
(4) get heavy duty pain management started with round the clock care (one of the more senior nurses said she had not seen anyone in as much pain as I was experiencing in a long time) ... and it only happened WHEN I BREATHED
It was finally obvious to everybody that this baseball mom had something a little bigger than pneumonia. I was being tested and IV'd with meds almost 24 hours daily ... nothing like a little needle stick at 5 in the morning (and I am not kidding). And sleep is almost an impossibility in a hospital that has every bed filled. Had a bronchscopy on Thursday but the results were inconclusive because they really can't get sufficient tissue, so I had an open lung biopsy (doesn't that sound painful?) on Tues morning. The surgery went well ... no need for blood transfusion even tho I had suddenly become anemic (could that be from the 3 gallons of blood that has been drawn from my poor sick body?). Surgeon is excellant ... a bit of a phantom surgeon but I am here to tell you that I have had absolutely no pain from the surgery.
Spent 2 very long days in ICU tho I really could have gone to a regular room on Wed but that is the insurance company's problem. Am now in a bright room (my first room was constantly dark because one of the other patients wanted everything closed off near the windows ... it was very depressing to be living in nighttime lighting all day.)
The good news is ... WE HAVE A FINAL DIAGNOSIS AT LAST (praise the Lord) ... and it was the preferable type of diagnosis from my perspective so it was a direct answer to prayer the day after I cried to my mom that I didn't think I would ever feel good again.
I have an inflammatory condition, not an infection. The lung x-rays and CT scans were presenting the tissue as pneumonia when it fact it was fibrous. My pulmonist has said that the second pathologist (they sent it outside the hospital for a second opinion) basically confirmed the first diagnosis but with different terminology (depends on which cells etc the pathologist sees that leads to the final terminology.
Anyway, I have PULMONARY FIBROSIS ... apparently pretty rare and not sure any of my doctors have seen it before. May even be a result or symptom of some auto immune disease. Gave several of those doctors a challenge, hey? Told them to be sure to use my name when they write their papers for the American Medical Society.
Condition is treatable with steroids (there goes my career) which were started 3 days ago. I can honestly say that my biggest problem now is dealing with the shortness of breath ... it only happens when I move ... which will require oxygen at home and when traveling ... as well as some respitory therapy and increased activity levels. Oh yeah ... I basically have to learn to breath differently for a while because my lung capacity is so compromised. We are hopeful that the most recent sites will respond quickly ... they really are new since this all started so we continue to pray for that result.
I feel about 200% better than I did when I came here 11 days ago ... I have to say I was a pretty sick puppy.
I cannot tell you all how much your continued prayer support uplifted my spirits. 123KMOM kept me posted on the requests for info ... she was my medical reporter. And I know that many positive thoughts and prayers were sent out in my name from my friends here at the good old HighSchoolBaseball websight. May God bless you all mightily for your kindness.
Oh yeah ... one more thing ... I GO HOME ON MONDAY ... praise the Lord.
Sincerest thanks and love to all ...
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