TR states:
"The Rocket" has never failed a test and he
supposedly has been tested numerous times
What does supposedly mean? BTW, you cannot detect HGH by a urine test, MLBPA does not allow blood testing which wouldn't do any good anyway because you don't know what to look for. No one will know based on tests, just by receipts and players telling on others (which they won't do). RC knows he is safe there, it's his word against a bad guy. Well, what the heck where you doing with that guy to begin with?
As far as MS Williams and others looking like they could have taken PED's, it has crossed my mind, but tennis doesn't have the impact that MLB does on the public, or a personal interest for me.
TR states:
As for assuming perhaps I should do like all the others--assume--- then I would not have people in my face---but that is not me---as far as I am concerned I can think what I want but the named players,until proven to be guilty, are innocent in my eyes and mind.
Unfortunetly looking guilty for many will be based on assumption. Did you read the article about At&T pulling their commercial with RC. I guess they are assuming the same thing. Personally I never thought (or didn't want to think perhaps) that the "Rocket" would do that, AP either. I don't want to assume, but what are we all supposed to do? Turn the other way as so many have done for so long?
It's been a pretty hard pill to swallow for many fans of the game.
No one is forcing anyone to assume or believe anything, I do respect your views and I think that it should be returned and no one signaled out, thus is you have something to say it doesn't have to be to my attention, just so those know it's not personal. That would clear up assumptions and misconceptions.
I didn't mean to hijack the original post.
I am on my emachine desk top this afternoon, get it straight, no assumptions please.