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My 2013 son is touring the southeast this week looking at colleges and he visited High Point University over the weekend. He was impressed with the campus, etc. and watched a game against VMI. I checked the archives for info about their basenball program and all that was there is from 2005-----does anyone have any new information regarding the college and their program?
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Originally posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
Interesting read if you are considering HPU. I think the reporter had an agenda, obviously, and some of her slant is a bit unfair based on what I know from students at HPU.

However, the financial data is important to know about.

High Point U

Great article and discussion going on in the comments below article.

We also received emails and camp invites from them for my son. So it's an interesting read.
Last edited by jazzmik
Just wanted to add a thought or two.

I talked with parents of two former students who are now at High Point about that article. They are upset about the story but have no regrets about thier kids' education and overall experiences.

I would still say this is a campus worth considering, these kids feel their education is rigorous and faculty are engaging. The article did have a slant, and while there are some points worth knowing about and investigating if High Point is on your sons' lists, I want to be clear that I would not take the entire story at face value. There are many other colleges of comparable academic level, and in similar financial circumstances.

Do your homework, I guess....

Beautiful campus, that is for sure!
ha! Friends who graduated from HPC back in the day are fairly shocked by the change. They have led successful lives and their degrees from HPC have served them well.

It is an absolutely beautiful new campus, but not too many from North Carolina would ever consider it now. At 40K, there are plenty of other options in the state.
55mom, in California a OLD, private school will cost approximately 60k for antiquated everything so HighPoint seems like a total deal to me.

My son investigated it really liked it. I would have been thrilled had that been his choice. It would have saved me 20k a year and his environment would have been phenomenal. Coaches are super nice and diligent their as well.
You may want to call me sour grapes or I have an axe to grind. All comments from the AD about me because of the way my son and quite a few others have been treated. The reality, beautiful campus, everything a parent would want for their child. The school moto from Dr Qubein is every student receives and EXTRAORDINARY experience. From the time my son was injured, it was anything but.
He loved the school and hated to leave. His experience playing at Mount Olive has made him forget that he even played at HPU and he was a 2 year starter so it wasn't about playing time etc etc.

They have just started a womens and mens lacrosse program and the AD is all about the Lacrosse programs because it brings in $$$$$$

My sons freshman year he was one of 21 recruits, there are 8 left. The next year there were 5 and 2 are left, this past year there were 22 recruits

If you want more info, PM me
Coach Merc said.....My sons freshman year he was one of 21 recruits, there are 8 left. The next year there were 5 and 2 are left, this past year there were 22 recruits

Numbers don't lie. I would urge any recruit to any school to research the number of freshmen in a particular class all the way to their senior year. It really does tell a story.

Coach Merc thanks for the feedback, and best of luck to your son at Mount Olive.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Cali - Our 16 campus UNC system offers every program HPU offers for about 60% less. Duke and Wake Forest are about the same cost as HPU, not to mention numerous other private colleges throughout the state that are probably a little less. (Like Mt Olive) This is why the HPU prez recruits out of state.

South Carolina has some terrific schools as well that are probably less per year.
Last edited by 55mom

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