"I think that what he meant was that the way the draft has changed (slot) there really isn't much room to negotiate (what agents help you do). IMO it is a personal decision but keep in mind that this is a business and the truth is that you need someone to help you navigate your way through the system.
"My son has an agent and paid him a nice commission when he signed and he has been worth every single penny."
I again find myself in complete agreement with TPM, not only about what I think PGStaff meant, but also about everything else.
Let me elaborate with this:
Here is a link to all the first ten round slot values for the 2013 draft. You can see that there are very specific numbers attached to each pick. Now, unlike the days when the Commissioner "recommended" that teams not go over slot (and was routinely ignored by many teams), these days there is no requirement that teams stick to that number, BUT they have an aggregate number (the sum of each of these slot numbers for each of their picks in the first ten rounds; they can also not go over $100K bonus in the next ten rounds, IIRC, without it also counting against this aggregate bonus "pool") they cannot exceed without significant penalties - both monetary and the loss of future high draft picks. This is what TPM means when she talks about much less room for negotiation in today's system than there used to be.
However, that doesn't mean there isn't any room for negotiation. Compare the link with slot values to PG's Database of Player Signings, and you will see that there are some significant differences. In case you can't see it, here is a comparison for the first 50 picks (for this purpose I used "high GPA" = 3.75 or above; "moderately high" = 3.2 to 3.74; "average" = 2.75 to 3.2; and low as anything below 2.75; I marked those more than a couple thousand dollars below slot in red, those over slot in green, the rest in black font):
Pick Slot Value Signed For
1 $7,790,400 $6,350.000 (College Senior)
2 $6,708,400 $6,708,400 (College Junior)
3 $5,626,400 $4,800,000 (College Junior)
4 $5,444,400 $5,444,000 (HS; high GPA)
5 $3,787,000 $3,500,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
6 $3,516,500 $3,516,500 (College Junior)
7 $3,246,000 $2,750,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
8 $3,137,800 $2,200,000 (College Junior)
9 $3,029,600 $3,029,600 (HS; no reported GPA)
10 $2,921,400 UNSIGNED (HS; average GPA)
11 $2,840,300 $2,600,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
12 $2,759,100 $2,790,500 (College Junior)
13 $2,678,000 $2,678,000 (College Junior)
14 $2,569,800 $2,369,500 (HS; moderately high GPA)
15 $2,434,500 $2,265,000 (College Junior)
16 $2,299,300 $2,299,300 (HS; low GPA)
17 $2,164,000 $2,164,000 (College/JC Sophomore)
18 $2,109,900 $2,109,900 (College Junior)
19 $2,055,800 $1,850,000 (College Junior)
20 $2,001,700 $2,001,700 (College Junior)
21 $1,974,700 $1,974,700 (HS; moderately high GPA)
22 $1,947,600 $1,947,600 (HS, no reported GPA)
23 $1,920,600 $2,215,000 (College Junior)
24 $1,893,500 $1,800,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
25 $1,866,500 $1,866,500 (HS; high GPA)
26 $1,839,400 $1,800,000 (College Junior)
27 $1,812,400 $1,812,400 (College Junior)
28 $1,785,300 $1,785,300 (HS; average GPA)
29 $1,758,300 $1,758,300 (College Junior)
30 $1,731,200 $1,900,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
31 $1,704,200 $1,704,200 (College/JC sophomore)
32 $1,677,100 $1,800,000 (College Junior)
33 $1,650,100 $1,650,100 (HS; high GPA)
34 $1,623,000 $3,550,000 (College Junior)
35 $1,587,700 UNSIGNED (HS; average GPA)
36 $1,547,700 $1,435,000 (College Junior)
37 $1,508,600 $1,450,000 (HS; average GPA)
38 $1,470,500 $1,500,000 (College Junior)
39 $1,433,400 $1,433,400 (College Junior)
40 $1,397,200 $1,397,200 (College Junior)
41 $1,361,900 $1,100,000 (College Junior)
42 $1,327,600 $1,327,600 (HS; average GPA)
43 $1,294,100 $1,294,100 (College Junior)
44 $1,261,400 $1,261,500 (College Junior)
45 $1,229,600 $915,000 (College/JC Freshman)
46 $1,198,500 $1,198,500 (College/JC Sophomore)
47 $1,168,200 $467,280 (HS; no GPA listed)
48 $1,138,800 $850,000 (HS; moderately high GPA)
49 $1,110,000 $1,700,000 (College Junior) (Stanford)
50 $1,082,000 $1,400,000 (HS; no GPA listed)
If you can click on the player links (may or may not be behind a subscription wall, depending on whether and at what level you subscribe to PG), you might see patterns for who signed for more, or less, that have to do with "leverage" issues like what year the player is (HS, college junior, or college senior), whether he is strong academically, and possibly the potential that some kids agreed to sign immediately for less than slot if they were drafted higher than they expected. Probably too many variables to read too much into it, other than that there ARE some factors that make some kids above-slot or below-slot. I'd love to know who had an "advisor" and who didn't, but I'd bet those in red were less "represented" than those in green. Only 8 of the first 50 signed for over-slot, while 17 signed for under-slot, 23 for at or extremely close to slot value, and two didn't sign.
You can see that there was room to move on some, but usually not more than a couple hundred thousand dollars one way or the other. Gone are the days where you could sign a kid for 1st or 2nd round money in the 4th or 5th (or later) round, and only minimize your risk of not signing a top pick by limiting your exposure to the loss of a later pick. However, there can still be movement, and as long as there is room to move, there is room for professional help with negotiations, even if it is less than it used to be. And I'm sure TPM or any of the other contributors here with sons in the pros could tell you stories of many other ways an agent or advisor can help you navigate the process - though I agree with her, it is a personal decision that depends on many things. And, of course, it also depends on the quality of the "advisor," as PGStaff said.