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My partner called this play a balk and I disagree.
With runner at first and pitcher in the set position, the runner breaks for 2nd. The pitcher disengaged the rubber and threw to second base. Base umpire immediately called a balk. His reasoning was that the pitcher threw directly to an unoccupied base. my thoughts are that once he disengages he can throw anywhere and also once a runner breaks or even feints an attempt the pitcher can throw to that base as long as their was no motion to pitch home
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This is one of these rules that either guys only read part of the rule or choose to ignore the second half the rule. Either way, it isn't a balk. The only caveat is there a slight difference between OBR and Fed. If he breaks and returns, then you can go to second in Fed. If he breaks in OBR he must make enough of an attempt to make the throw legit. Generally the rule of thumb is halfway.
Tell your partner, if he steps off legally then he isn't a pitcher and no throw or feint is going to be a balk.
No balk of course....agreed to all....I have argued that the rule should be rewritten for clarity as many coaches and umpires only read the intial part of the rule....."you may not throw to an unoccupied base" part without reading the rest of the line that says with the exception of making a play.....

had they started the rule with the statement I feel there would be less confusion....

"With the exception of making a play, you may not throw to an unoccupied base....."

seems more clear to me.
Last edited by piaa_ump

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