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My son is entering High School next year. What can he do to prepare for try outs. Many parents have admired my son, not only for his talent, but just for being such a good kid. He is 14 years old, almost 6 feet tall, 175 lbs and is an all around player. I have faith in his talent, but with politics in many of the schools, I want to make sure he is prepared for every aspect of the tryouts whether it turns out good or bad. He is well notice in my city, but that doesn't mean he will make the team. What can he do this summer to prepare for next year. He will be playing for the Boca Raton Allstar team and I hope the team does well enough to go far this summer, but if it doesn't pass the District tournaments what can I do to keep him in tune for next year.
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something that nobody has mentioned : I know from last years tryouts for our B-Team for HS I was in the 7th there were maybe close to 100 kids out but the ones that got picked( for the B-Team which is 7th 8th & 9th grades) all had one thing incommon they were on a travel team.During the spring in the news paper on the front page article about coaches only looking at kids on a travel team.

So take it for what it is worth, there were some good kids that did'nt make the cut. So iam now on that travel team so hopfuly I will have a better shot this year. So good luck
I went through this last year. Basically he needs to
-work on endurance, depending on what he plays on the field and what he does for sports during the winter
-he should try and play on a team all the way 'til it is too cold to and if he can't just work out with friends and other players
-if he is an infielder, take a lot of ground balls, same goes for outfielding except include fly balls
-take bp everyday
-work on baserunning, coaches love a kid that is smart on the bases, even if he is slow, and with a kid his size he should work on being swift with his feet
Taking a break from about October til January isn't a bad idea. You don't want to tire yourself out. Then in January he should slowly start working on his mechanics in whatever he does and start toning stuff until tryouts. That is pretty much what I did and still am going to do and I was freshman varsity. The number 2 pitcher on my team, I should add.

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