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We had a player ejected by a base umpire on the last play of a high school game last night for for throwing a helmet. The umpire specifically yelled out "post game ejection" and stated that the player was ineligible for the next scheduled game. I'm hoping I can get a little clarification here. I'm not complaining about the ejection... I'm hoping a valuable lesson will be learned! I have read on the VHSL site that a COACH who gets ejected can not on the grounds during the next game at all, but how about the player? To compound matters... our next game is tomorrow night and it is a double header... Regularly scheduled game AND makeup of a rainout from last week. How do we handle this? 2 game suspension?
Thanks in advance!!!
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According to this: (page 75)

(15) The first time a player or coach is ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct, he/she shall be ineligible for the team's next contest. A second ejection in the same sport in the same season carries a minimum two-game suspension penalty. A player or coach who engages in fighting, biting or aggressive physical contact shall be ineligible for the team's next two contests. The second incident in which a player or coach engages in fighting, biting or aggressive physical contact in the same sport in the same season carries a minimum fourgame suspension penalty. (Note: If the disqualification occurs in the final contest(s) of the season, the penalty shall carry over to the next sports season for students who are seniors and to the next school year for underclassmen and coaches.) (See 27-13-6).
Last edited by yawetag
I read that.... I guess I'm just "thick headed".. HEHE From reading this section, I am guessing that he CAN be at the game, dressed out, but NOT participate in the game. I'm still not sure about the 2nd game of the double header. All of my contacts today said both games, I just can't see that info spelled out. Technically it says next contest, NOT next full day. Any other opinions?
Thanks again!!
There are tons of mentions of "contest" in the manual. All of them seem to indicate "contest" meaning one "event," which I would determine is one game in baseball, not one day.

I also found this on Page 10:
27-4-1 State Sanction Rule – Modified language to reflect requirements for “events”
rather than previous language of contest, tournaments or meets.
Thank you ALL for your prompt help in this matter... I did call the state and got a clarification this morning. The rule states that he CAN be in the dugout, dressed for game one, and he CAN play in game two.
I have no idea what his status will be for game two as it is up to the Head Coach whether or not he plays in game 2. Either way, all I can hope is a lesson has been learned and this type of outburst will never happen again. I stand behind whatever decision is made because I am 100% sure that the decision will be based on what's best in the LONG TERM for both player and team.

Thanks again guys!

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