Hi Ball41512 -- I did not participate in the earlier discussion, but just took a quick glance and saw some good advice. As to the specific question you ask here, I do have some thoughts for you ...
1st -- Welcome to this forum, and I applaud you for being willing to seek out advice to help in chasing your dreams. Very few young men your age are willing to take the big step you have taken. You have already separated yourself from the crowd.
2nd -- This piece of advice applies not only to chasing your baseball dreams, but is equally applicable to most other areas of life ... Chase your dreams with everything you have. When the dust clears, you will know that you have given your very best, and you will often find that you will even exceed your own expectations.
3rd -- I would encourage you to ask to meet with the Head Coach. When you meet with him, be willing to show him your passion for the game; tell him that your goal is to EARN a place on his team and to help contribute to the success of the team; then ASK HIM what HE would suggest that you do to be sure that you are as prepared as possible to come out to compete to EARN a place in his program in the spring.
There is an old saying in business -- "If you don't ask, you won't get". Talk to the coach. Let him know how much you want to be a part of his program. Ask him for his take on what you need to do. Be prepared to hear some tough things (you did come up short before). Then be ready to take his advice and work your tail off so you can show him inthe spring just how well you listen, and how hard you work.
As to asking about participating in winter "team" workouts. Different programs have different rules, but I'll default to my earlier comment -- "If you don't ask, you don't get." The worst thing that can happen is that he says "No", which leaves you with exactly what you have today. So, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
If you approach your Coach with the same level of maturity with which you approached asking this question, I would be willing to bet at the very least, you will earn his respect.
Good luck to you. I hope this spring is just the first step in a long and successful HS baseball career for you.