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I was wondering what do the kids typically do in season with workouts? My son, a high school freshman, has been working out 3 days a week since Jan 2 with a trainer, getting in shape for the season, but with tryouts starting Feb 13, and then the season getting underway, what should he be doing or not doing during the regular season? He wants to stay in the best shape possible for his summer season, but also wants to balance the demands of high school practices, games and school work.
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When my son was in High School when December rolled around they had "non madatory" conditioning at 5AM every day but Friday. One day would be weight training, doing circuts. Maxing out reps on each apparatus. On alternate days they would run, plyometrics, wind sprints etc.

I would wait outside in the car by the gym before my son had his license, every now and then the gym door would open and someone would be losing their breakfast, lol!

They all were in shape by the time the season began though!
Sorry, I guess I should have said that our high school did not do any workouts, no practices, nothing, so we tried to do what we could in the preseason to get him prepared. We had him shut down from mid November until January, but are just not sure how to proceed during the season with his training. He will be playing a lot of baseball this summer on a very good travel team, so he wants to be ready to join that team when high school gets out in early June.
If he's working with a trainer then just continue to do that. Have your son tell the trainer he wants to be shape by the start of high school season and then once that starts he wants to maintain what he has throughout the summer. Obviously he will have a full plate with school, practice and games so if he has to pick an area to give up to maintain a peace of mind then it would need to be working with the trainer. But he can still give you a work out routine that your son can do on his own.

If you can get up with Bulldog 13 he can probably give you much better advice.

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