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Tonight, had a select league game...playing NFHS rules.

My team is in the field and with a runner on 1B, batted ball is chopped up the middle. SS fields ball about 15' directly behind the bag and flips to 2B who is covering 2B bag. 2B is facing the OF, obviously to take the throw. 2B bobbles ball once, then secures it, well before the runner arrives. Runner does not slide... collides with 2B and ends up 5-6' past bag towards LF. No one was injured, and my 2B had time to hop/skip out of the guys way, so the collision was not severe.

We were up by 7 in the bottom of the 7th and that was the 2nd out... I wasn't going to make a big stink about it.

After the game I approached the umpire and expressed my concern that the runner did not slide, and went well past the bag. Umpire says that since my 2B was juggling the ball the runner did not have to slide. Said that until the ball is secured it is not considered a "play at the bag."

Someone please come to this guy's defense, b/c I think that is dead wrong, and I told him so. My response was, so if an infielder is juggling a ball, he's allowed to get trucked? He said it was no different than if a ball was in the OF and an infielder unknowingly stepped in front of a runner and got plowed around the bag when there is no play at the bag... that until the ball is secured, he does not consider there to be a play at a particular base. I find this really hard to believe.

The other coach (who played D1 and minor league ball) apologized immediately after the play, since he was coaching 3B and we were in the 3B dugout, and said his player blew it.
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There is no "must slide rule" in NFHS. The phrase "Force play slide rule" does not mean the runner is forced to slide, but rather should he choose to slide in force play situation, the slide must be legal and he may not interfere. Thus it is not appropriate to discuss your concern that the runner did not slide.

That said, you have every right to discuss whether or not the runner interfered.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Great clarification...thank you. So my beef should have been interference with a fielder, regardless of sliding or not...which was the jist of my original question/argument.

The umpire didn't explain it correctly, either, according to what you're telling me.

On another topic, what is a legal slide around the bag? I was under the impression that in HS/college a sliding runner could not go "through" or "past" the bag like they used to be able to do when I played (cleat scars on my shins to prove it...LOL).

In high school FPSR the runner, if he slides, must slide directly to the bag or to the side away from the fielder.

Again, sliding through the bag is not in itself illegal. The question is what was the result of sliding through the bag. Interference? Malicious contact? No contact?

We protect fielders to the side and behind the bag. We do not protect fielders in front of or on the bag.
Originally posted by yawetag:
Originally posted by Allen Wranglers:
IMHO it was malicious contact/interference

Malicious contact? I doubt it.

I apologize... you're right, I have no idea what is going through another person's head, so shouldn't judge the intent.

However, my responsibility is to teach my players the rules, what is allowed within the rules, and what they should/can do to protect themselves.

I was taught how to handle myself around the bag as a MI. There's going to be some contact if the MI is being aggressive and trying to turn two with a sliding running. I was also taught that if a team/player wants to come in standing up to intimidate or plow me into LF to go sidearm/submarine and clock the guy in the chest or helmet.

I'm honestly all about avoiding unnecessary injury, while playing the game hard. Injuries due to stupidity or ignorance are the same as the ones caused by malicious intent, in my mind. You've still got an injured player as a result.

Since the rules today seem to be more protective, I was just seeking clarification and help from the experts, especially when the explanation I was given on the field seemed extremely poor.

Turns out I was arguing the wrong point.
Last edited by Allen Wranglers
Originally posted by Allen Wranglers:

On another topic, what is a legal slide around the bag? I was under the impression that in HS/college a sliding runner could not go "through" or "past" the bag like they used to be able to do when I played (cleat scars on my shins to prove it...LOL).


Originally posted by Jimmy03:
We protect fielders to the side and behind the bag. We do not protect fielders in front of or on the bag.

Jimmy is correct in that the fielder is protected in HS on the "side and behind the bag"... to finish your question on college. The fielder is only protected on the sides and not behind the bag...
Last edited by TX-Ump74

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