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Hello, Im a high school baseball player who needs some advice. I recently tried out for an elite travel summer ball team and made it. On the other hand my high school coach for some odd reason doesnt like his players playing on a travel team. Most high school coaches would love there players playing on a team like this. Some of the high school summer ball tourneys conflict with the travel team tourneys. I think the travel team would do me better because of the compitition I will face. Im afraid of telling the coach i want to play on the travel team instead because it might affect my playing time in the spring. this is my dream to play on a team like this. I just dont know which direction to go. Please Help!
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Hi, gribly. Welcome to the HSBBW. There's a ton of discussion on this topic in the General Items forum. You can do a search in there and I'm sure you'll find lots and lots of opinions. You might post your question in the Players Only forum and see what they think.

It's different for everyone. It depends on the quality of the HS program, how "elite" the travel team really is, and what tournaments/showcases they will be going to, and of course the cost. I support my son doing both HS summer ball and travel, with travel taking the priority in summer, but every situation is different.

You might ask your travel coach to talk to your HS coach. Sometimes it helps to make that contact so they the HS coach knows that the travel coach has your best interest at heart, and then maybe he'll be OK with it. That worked for a couple of our summer travel players this year.

Good luck!
Gribly, when my son was a rising Junior he also made a very good Elite travel team. He then went to the head coach of his high school team and told him about making this team to play on during the summer. With my help in the background, he told the coach that while he would be traveling around with this team and playing top notch competitive teams to help him be prepared for the next high school season, he still wanted to play for his HS summer team when he was going to be in town. In Georgia the HS summer season is basically the month of June so he looked at his travel schedule and told the Coach what days he would be available. The Coach had no problems with this and saw it as a win-win for him.

One other thing. In the state of Georgia a HS coach no matter what sport can tell a athlete that he/she HAS to play for them during an off-season sport. If they do and get caught, they face disciplinary action and/or termination. This is of course the last course of action any kid or parent would hate to use to accomplish playing on another team. You may want to ask your Athletic Director if it comes to this what the rules are in Indiana.

Good luck son.
Our high school coach is looking forward to putting together a summer team this year. Many of the players usually play travel ball in the summer. The coach put it to the team this way: there are many benefits to playing together and coming together as a team. If you can find and play for a team of a higher standard than the summer team for the school, more power to you. But if you can't, and that is usually the case, than play for the school team. We carry a large number of players on our roster so I don't think there will be any problem putting together a team. Most high school coaches are very reasonable and also know the competition out there. Many times I've also found that "elite" teams overstate their case. Go and talk to your coach and find out what is his honest opinion of the team you want to play with. After all, it is in his interest to see that his players get the best experience possible and develop their performance so that they play their best during the high school season. On the other hand, there are a few who might be unreasonable. How do you feel about your coach? This might help you reach that decision. I feel that our coach offered very reasonable alternatives up front and left room for discussion and personal decisions.
Just my 2 cents. If you made a truly ELITE travel team, (and I mean Elite on a national level, not just the best them in your county or whatever) you are obviously a very talented player. Is there really ANY good reason to not want to test your abilities on a bigger stage, against better competition, in the biggest tourneys in the country, with scouts from all over watching your team play? The coach may not be happy now, but when you return as twice the player you were when you left, I doubt he will give you too much of a hard time. You need to do what is best for you and your future. Most HS coaches only care about you when you are playing for them. You have a future to take care of---DO IT! Seen any pro/college scouts at your HS games recently? There were about 800 of them at Jupiter.
For what its worth:

I am a big believer that playing for different coaches is a good thing. If a kid plays for one coach all year, then he is only learning what that coach has to offer. No matter how good a coach is, he doesnt know everything. Same holds true for the guys you play with. If you play with the same guys in high school and then in the summer and fall, when are you ever pushed? Playing travel ball puts you with and against different guys. Going back to my playing days, I learned just as much watching how other players did things as I did from coaches.

If a high school coach's goal is to make you the best player possible and wants to see you go on to play at the next level...he wont pressure you to play high school summer ball. He may, and hopefully will, advise you as to whom to play with. There are a ton of teams and coaches out there that are not good for players.

Again, just one mans opinon...
Coach nice team the Upstate Mavericks. Saw you in Greenville this summer the last tourney my kid played in before heading off to college. He was catching for the Wison Bulldogs. You guys do a great job with that team.

Play for someone else in the summer. Get away from the same coaches and learn something new and get the same information presented to you in a different way as well. It does players good to get coached by different coaches along the way. A different set of eyes can really help you. And why wouldnt you want to get out there get tested?

I have always encouraged my better players to play the best competition possible in the off season and to play with the best players possible. Its makes them better which makes our team better. If the coach is more concerned with his summer team than your development that should open your eyes as well.

Just my opinion but the off season is yours. That is where you make the decision what is best for you and your development as a player. The school season is his. The off season is yours. Good Luck
We have been through deal with the HS coach not wanting my son to play for anyone in the summer but him. My oldest son went and played connie mack versus his HS team. Because of the better compeition he was exposed to better opportunities and thus went off to play D1 college and now is in the Astro's organization.

We are are going through it again with my yougest who is a juior this year. He was the only soph to play this summer on a connie mack team. They also played local college summer teams. His summer coach gave him the opportunity to pitch against the best teams in the state and from CA. His HS coach allowed him to pitch only 7 innings throughout the spring season and laughed when I told him he would be pitching this summer. However, he stepped up and thrived on the compeition and has received numerous letter from D1 and JUCO's. Other kids on his team who played with the HS have not received any offers or letters. Now many of those parents have told me they wish they had to do over they would have looked for connie mack teams.

Be prepared to have your HS coach shun you. We told our son to do everything to make conversation with HS coach. However, his HS coach has refused to talk with him since school has started. We finally confronted him and he admitted he was not talking to my son due to the summer. We were told my son would have to wow him this spring if he expects to play varsity again.

My son has gone above and beyond to show he is a team player this fall. We did this to give our son the opportunity to get better and it was worth it in the end. Just the confidence he has gained playing against older guys and more than holding his own.

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