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I coach the Falcons; a high school baseball team made up of players who are the sons of those of us serving our country abroad. Though we are in Korea, we do have a number of parents currently on tour in southwest Asia. Our fundraising efforts are very much limited because of our location. Each year we are given two dozen new gameballs and that's about it. We must come up with our own uniforms, bats, MORE balls, training equipment, caps, etc.

I have always balked at asking our servicemember families to pay out of pocket for the things their kids need to field a respectable team. They have never complained, and never will, but they generally don't make a lot of money. This year I have decided to try and fundraise as much as I can to help save these families some money, and to give our boys the uniforms and equipment they deserve. Though I was reluctant to post here on the HSBBW, Julie MN-Mom has been enthusiastic in her support of doing just that Smile

If you wish, you may donate directly through our "Chip-In". Just click this link.

ANY amount, however small, would be greatly appreciated. Your donation will help me buy some things which will make these players' faces light up if I can one day unveil new uniforms and gear. I will post photos!

We would also be interested in any used training equipment which is in good condition, but that you no longer need. Please PM with anything you might have. Thanks!

On behalf of the Falcons, I thank you for your consideration.

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Thank YOU! You guys are fantastic. Can't wait to see the players at school and let them know about the great people here who are helping them out.

Yeah, it's amazing what these kids endure. Bouncing around every year or two, constantly leaving old friends and having to make new, parent deployments where they may not see a parent for a year or more (I can't even imagine), etc.......and through it all, they are the coolest kids you'll ever meet!
Last edited by Krakatoa
iheartbb, that's a fine idea!! If I were to add up the cost of the type of uniform I'd like to get for each guy, about $100 would sponsor a player (jersey with team/name/number, pants, socks, belt, cap).

Whether that came from 1 donor or from ten $10 donations, it would be wonderful.

Thank you for the suggestion Smile

Mr. Krakatoa
Last edited by Krakatoa
I just checked our Chip-In and I don't even know what to say. 'Thank You' just doesn't seem big enough.

I know there are others who would like to support us, but times are tight. I have been there, and with our oldest now in college I'm pretty sure I'm there again. I know you support these overseas players and their families in your hearts and that is pure gold.

I throw a big thanks to all!
Last edited by Krakatoa
Have been able to order some Easton batting gloves for the team which I found on sale for a great price. Also picked up some practice pants, also on sale (there are some amazing sales right now!)

Thanks to your donations, we're beginning to outfit our boys. The guys are pumped about your donations (they can't believe that 'strangers' are stepping up to help them out!), and the excitement is building already!


I wanted to post a photo of four of our returners (basketball has temporarily claimed the other three) with some of the apparel and gear we were able to obtain with the kind help of ten of our HSBBWebster friends. We also received four well-cared-for gloves (already 'in the rotation'), an EXO in excellent shape and raved about by the kids, and an ATEC multi-tee which is helping me a great deal with teaching how to hit pitches at certain locations.
from me.
from the guys.
from their parents.
We would welcome any additional support should the spirit move you! Smile If you wish, you may donate directly through our "Chip-In". Just click this link.

btw, the kid on the far left is my 15-year old, Colton, aka 'Spazzy McGee', aka 'Limbs Akimbo'.

Here's another of a workout we did this weekend at a park in Seoul...

....with a well-earned lunch at the top of the mountain...
Last edited by Krakatoa

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