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Being from McHenry County and only seeing FVC games over the years I'm interested to know more about the Highland HS team, which from what I hear is far south. PBR has them #1 now, and even though i'm starting to dislike PBR more and more, the stats don't lie: Highland has outscored their opponents 60-5! Also, what do you all know about RHP Jake Odorizzi? I've heard too many cheesy rumors. As a interested prep baseball fan, what's the real scoop on this kid? How has he pitched this year, how hard does he throw, does he have an above average off speed pitch, where is he going to school, how did he do last year, etc.? Thanks guys, it is greatly appreciated.
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He is good. He'll get drafted and could very easily end up signing I'd say. He throws HARD. Low 90's I believe topping out at 96, but staying around the 90-93 range a lot.

He's signed with Louisville as a shortstop/pitcher. He is just a flat-out good athlete. Was good in football, seem to remember him being pretty good in basketball, and is VERY good in baseball.

I had all of two hits last year; one was off of him Smile. He was nice and threw me a change up which was still coming pretty good Wink

Highland is close to St. Louis.
If you subscribe to PBR you will be able to access a lot of information on Odorizzi. It is interesting that you keep writing negative things about PBR, but still check out Mr. Duncan's ratings.

Acording to
In 2007 Odorizzi was 11-0 with a .69 ERA
He also hit.435 with 13 HRs and 42 RBI and 23 SBs

According to Perfect Game
Has a Slider, Curve, and Change to go with a low to mid 90's Fastball.

Perfect Game gave him a "10" on their 1-10 rating scale and list him as a high draft pick.

I've never seen him pitch, but I've heard great things.
Last edited by pitchandcatch97
Having coached a couple of "real deals" before, Jake's the real deal. He is also a great kid. He brings a lot to the table and is equally good at SS. He can hit for average and power as well. He was clocked once this year at 96 and now when he takes the mound, there are some 20 scouts in the stands. Recently I fielded approximately 9 phone calls about Jake from professional scouts. The Highland team is also very fundamentally sound. Coach Hawkins is first of all a very good man. He is a stalwart in his community and at that school. He will bunt you to death and then Jake will hit one out. You'd better be prepared if you play Highland. I've coached against that program for some 20+ years and so, I've been there and done that.

Regarding the shot at PBR and or other comments in other theads about ratings and polls, who care? A poll has nothing to do with what happens on a field.
We traveled south to play Highland this year. We only got in 2 innings before the rain washed us out, and Jake wasn't pitching, but he was just as impressive at short stop. He is as smooth of an athlete as I have seen on the high school diamond. When he threw from shortstop, the ball seemed to come out of his hand faster than his arm was moving. His arm was totally effortless.

Obviously CoachB knows more about them than I do since he coached in their conference, but his description is right on. Their aggressiveness is one of the main reasons I wanted to play them, so our guys could have as much pressure on them as possible early in the season. They delivered.

To echo CoachB's remarks about Coach Hawkins, (again we only saw them briefly) they are very well coached and he seemed to be an even better person.
Many of these comments are right on, but I'll take it a step further. Last year Indiana had a kid named Jarrod Parker who was picked in the first round and signed for $2.1mm. I have not seen any high school player throw the ball like Parker did, but Jake Odorizzi is not far behind. He's not only one of the best talents in the Midwest, he is one of the best in the country, and I have seen many of them. I have met with him and I can tell you he is a fine young man who is passionate about baseball and more competitive than his demeanor will ever tell you. He has all of the physical tools and the mental makeup that an organization desires and I will be shocked if he is not picked before the second round starts given his talent. His signability is another question, I don't know what that is at this point.
you guys are too eager to jump on people. I sure the 7 figures is his opinion and if your going to be a 1st rounder the way salaries are going he might be in line for 7 figures. That's what he's eluding too, i don't think he's speaking for the kid at all.

Heard he showed well at the Perfect Game event over the winter also, he sounds like a top 5 round pick for sure. I think he's worthy of the #1 rated player in the state.
I had pleasure of watching my son match up with Jake in recent game won by Highland 1-0 last week. I sat behind some of the radar guns which clocked his fastball all game at 92-94. Decent off speed pitches but his out pitch is a nasty slider he can throw with pinpoint control. Only slight negative I heard from scout was his fastball is a bit "heavy" which I think might mean doesn't move as much as they'd like. But heck at mid 90's that's getting pretty picky. He keeps ball down very well. Seems very poised and his parents appeared well grounded and good people. Scouts I talked to said maybe late 1st round, but more likely early 2nd. No offense, but if he pitched in Chicago area, you all would be raving big time...he is the real deal. They have a good #2 pitcher as well, so hopefully you'll get to see him at state class 3A. Oh one more mind boggling stat. 56 IP, 2 runs (both unearned)! And they play pretty good St. Louis area schedule including Edwardsville twice, Belleville's, etc.
I'll tell you what, the last two years he was pitched against Waterloo 3 times and given up a total of 6 hits and only one run.

I don't know if I'd say it's the 'highlight' of my high school baseball career was getting one of my two hits senior year off of him, but it's gotta be close!!

His problem against Waterloo is his offspeed pitch.. we wouldn't touch him otherwise.

He's the real deal and I think he's going to go far fast!

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