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Interesting article regarding how Papelbon was regularly given Toradol, a high power anti-inflammatory, while a member of the Red Sox.  When he got to the Phillies he found out that they do not allow their players to take it.


I discovered Toradol quite by acident after a recent back surgery.   When the nurse initially offered it to me I was resistent because it is an anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatories generally don't help me.  But she was persuasive and I gave it a try.  I got very good relief that lasted several hours.  Since it is injected the relief comes quickly.  And it lasted longer than the pain medications they gave me.  


I'm certainly not a professional athlete, but this stuff would have to be a MAJOR boost for any player trying to get through a 162 game season.  

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as with any drug/medication/therapy, abuse is first,health issues come second. This is true for anything from aspirin to pain killers to , here it comes, steroids, which are given to patients for things such as punctured lungs, Primabolen is used in that case. When talking about things such as bad side effects we must keep it in context.None of these drugs are illegal with a doctors script. So when these are characterized as illicit we are delving into hyperbole, which serves no one any good. Cortizone can be abused also, and I do not hear anyone bashing that drug. We need to keep from knee jerk reactions to news such as this.

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