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It is not necessary that the fielder touch the ball to be charged with an error. If a ground ball goes through a fielder's legs or a pop fly falls untouched and in the scorer's judgment the fielder could have handled the ball with ordinary effort, an error shall be charged.

It sounds like an error to me but the key phrase here is "in the scorer's judgement".
Last edited by Fungo
I pretty much know that this answer will not satisfy anyone....But Fungo got this one..."in the scorer's judgment" pretty much leaves this up to who was scoring the game........that being said, in levels of baseball above HS, no ball that went through a players legs would be ruled a hit........

I'd be hard pressed to rule this a hit no matter how hard it was hit.
Last edited by piaa_ump
In the case of a pitcher, I would be inclined to agree with you. The pitcher has just completed his pitching motion and to give him an error on a rocket hit right at him would be pretty cheap. It would get scored as a hit by me ....

But any other infielder, down and set, that has a ball hit right through the wickets would most certainly get the "E".......
Last edited by piaa_ump

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