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A batter hits a hard ground ball directly at the second baseman. The ball takes a hop and since it was hit hard, bounces off of the chest of the second baseman. He gets the ball and makes the throw to first but the batter beats the throw by 2 steps. Would this be a hit or an error? Notice that the ball was hit directly at the second baseman so he did not really have to make any exceptional effort to get to the ball originally. Thanks for any help you can give me on this one.
Don't shift the responsibility of your success in this game to somebody else. Be perservering about it. Pay the price and you'll come out where merit takes you. - Branch Rickey
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That hop that hit Kubek in the throat, occurred in the 1960 WS. It certainly didn't end his career as he played thru the 1965 season. If we surmise that "he was never the same" after he took this hop, he had his best year in pro ball after this incident.

I know, and have seen, infielders take tuff hops that were or should have been scored as hits. But based upon the description of this incident, it sounds to me like the infielder had time.

1. Hard hit ball directly at fielder
2. Ball stayed in front of him, hop off chest
3. Short throw from 2nd baseman's position

The player sounds like a fielder any of us would want on our team. He stayed down on a hard hit ball right at him (which are the most difficult to judge and field), and took the hop off his chest (as coached). But unless you have more details that we don't know about, I can't score it a hit with the info provided. Its an error in my book. Even my favorite Chicago WS 2nd baseman, Jorge Orta, made a few errors in his time.

It's a hard hit ball to the second baseman (the right side of the infield), how long does it take to get there? Not long.

How far is the throw? Not far.

How much did the batter beat out the throw by? 2 steps (long way)

It's an error. Even if he misplayed it by a little bit, he should have been able to recover and get the out. He misjudged the ball so badly that the guy beat him out by 2 steps.

Plenty of information to declare it's an error.
The information as provided is enuff for me to conclude that it was an error. The orginator knows that none of us were at the game and saw the play. But he asked the question anyways and is looking for feedback. If the originator wants to add that the ball kicked 20-30 ft to the fielders left or right, thats his/her perogative. But as it is described now, a hard hit ball hit directly at the second baseman that bounces off his chest, isn't a hit in my book. You pick it up off the ground in front of you and throw it to the first baseman and the base runner is out in plenty of time.
Last edited by Tuzigoot

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