One of the main purposes of pre-game in/out is to showcase each players' talents to the college and pro guys in the stands. Although, speaking to you CoachB25, I agree that this is extremely effective for preparing your players for the game, and, if done correctly, it looks good, whenever I go out to recruit, I always make sure I am there for pre-game so that I can see each players different defensive aspects. When there are numerous balls flying around the infield, and, especially numerous coaches hitting fungo, it is not possible to see as much as you would like. It always seems that I'll miss a couple of guys b/c I am watching someone else.
One thing I do suggest, which is what we do where I coach, is have the catchers field bunts rolled by the other catchers, and throw to first while the outfielders are throwing to second. I then have the first baseman throw balls to the catchers, who throw down to second base while the outfielders are throwing to third.
During this time, the scouts can see the catchers' arms.
After the outfield is done going to third, I have a fly ball round where the outfielders throw into home, with the infielders cutting the ball to other bases, based on the catcher's call. This is followed by a "do-or-die" situation where I hit a slow base hit to each outfielder, while this time they throw through the cut-off man to home plate.
These two rounds are where the scouts get to see the outfielders arms.
I follow that up by a fairly standard infield pre-game.
The guys in the stands always get to see each player play numerous balls, and make multiple throws. Sure, not everyone is in on every play, but I feel this style of pre-game is beneficial to everyone.
It's not the only way to do it, but this is the way I like to see it when I'm recruiting, and it gets my team prepared for the game.
I'm interested to hear any suggestions, 'cause I'm always looking to improve.