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Watched the tapes of all the games so far, back shoulder is dropping, not sure how to correct this.

George Brett wasnt sure how to "correct" this either... Tilting the shoulders is a good thing. Dont try to prevent this from happening, rather focus on some real basics (get a good pitch to hit, make sure your in an athletic posture, load and unload, and stay agressive.) A slump is like the flu, no matter what you do its going to last 7-10 days... Is thier any chance of you posting pictures or video of your swing?

There's a difference between dropping or dipping your back shoulder as you start your swing and the "tilting" function that occurs when good hitters match the plane of the incoming ball while maintaining "flat" hands throughout the contact zone.

Dipping your back shoulder as you start your swing results in bat lag.

Without seeing a video, it's pretty tough to know what you are doing but it's important that hitters understand the reason good hitters "tilt" and why a lot of other hitters "dip".

Good Luck
Allow me to add that often times hitters "dip" or "drop" their back shoulder subconsciously in order to provide them with extra clearance to get their lead arm through. While that may be good technique in playing cricket, it is not conducive to a good baseball swing.

Often times players who do this are decent hitters or were always good hitters until they ultimately reach a level of pitching that exposes their poor technique.

This hitting fault is often hard to correct early because the hitter or their coach or parent is not prone to want to change until they fail. Even on this board some well intentioned people routinely give out advice telling hitters to keep doing what they are doing because they are hitting the ball "now".
Originally posted by somervilleboy617:
i play JV baseball for my high school. when i am up at bat, im relaxed, however i cannot judge whether or not the pitch thrown is going to be a strike or a ball. im also having trouble at hitting inside pitches. maybe my timing is off, but i am not sure. any help is appreciated.
I would assume you have been playing ball for a while since you are playing JV ball, so I'd say you were able to judge balls and strikes at some point. I'd say get your eyes tested. I had the same problems you are describing when I was a Senior in High School and I found out my vision was bad. I could still hit off speed well, but had trouble with fastballs, go figure. Good luck!
Tilting the back shoulder (a little) is normal, tilting the back shoulder and getting chicken winged with the front elbow is not. Tilting the back shoulder is normal, dropping the bat head or the hands is not. I found some Great training tools at = Advertising deleted by moderator = that prevents these types of bad habbits and will build true muscle memory by using them. You might want to check them out.
Last edited by MN-Mom
That’s great. My problem is not with your product either. I haven’t used it but it looks like some big names in baseball like it. The problem is that your first several posts were clearly advertising the brace. After that, they started to look like recommendations from a happy customer. That’s not quite the whole truth is it? In fairness, you need to declare your connection to the company if you recommend the product. Especially when dealing with the kids on this site. You could review posts by PG Staff and Jon Doyle for some excellent guidance on how others have handled this potential conflict of interest.

HSBBW is a special place on the internet. I hope you will help us keep it that way.

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