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Hey Maryland!

A good friend of mine in the Virginia baseball community, Towny Townsend, has been battling throat cancer. His cancer has recently moved to his lungs.

Towny has patented his hitting disc training aid and purchases of this product will help Towny and his family with portions of the profits going to support the American Cancer Society and the David Wright Foundation supporting MS.

This is a solid tool that can help players at all levels, the instructional DVD is outstanding too! The product has been endorsed by David Wright - New York Mets, Mike Cuddyer - Twins, Gary Lavelle and my own son, Matt Smith - Texas Rangers organization. The DVD contains hitting instructions from all three of these professionals.

Please take the time to look at the link below and consider forwarding this link to as many people as possible that you may know in the baseball community.

The Baseball Community is a caring one. Thanks in advance for your support!

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