Originally Posted by RedFishFool:
I'm trying to understand this. Let's say a baseball player has a 50% baseball scholarship and a 30% academic scholarship. And the stipend amount is determined to be $3,000. Would he get $1,500 ($3,000 x 50%)?
If he is on a 50% baseball and 50% academic, would he get anything? or would he get same $1,500?
My hunch is that each school (or maybe conference) will handle this differently. The cost of attendance is the figure that schools use when figuring "Need" in the financial aid process. The "Estimated Family Contribution" is subtracted from "Total Cost of Attendance" to determine "Need." They are packaged based on that number. It's an arbitrary number and many private schools will manipulate this number to give the appearance of more aid.
In the case of athletes, I'm guessing they will use the same formula that the institution uses for financial aid for all students. How they will distinguish between athletic money and academic money remains to be seen...and I'd bet it'll be different at each school.
I am happy to see Va. Tech include the partial scholarship kids in this but it still chaffs me that schools are going to be spending a lot more money in athletic aid...yet baseball is still stuck at 11.7 scholarships. Heck, in the early 90's, there were 13 scholarships for fully funded programs. I hope other schools follow suit and include the partial scholarship kids in this new "stipend."
My bigger fear is the non-Power Conferences will not be able to absorb this added expense and will look to eliminate sports....and baseball is always in that discussion.