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Wow - baseball mom - we are impressed! That is a hard post to follow - I hope your son treasures that portrait forever!

We're kinda stuck this year trying to figure out gifts for the boys - looking at North Face jackets & noise cancelling headphones for their ipods (would that help with studying?). Last year I gave my college son & husband the Rawlings leather travel shaving kit bag.
it will probably be somewhat "impressionist" or even abstract in style. I love photography & have taken thousands of shots over the years. I'm also considering one from a Tulane photographer. going to emphasize the pitch motion, instead of specific features, in Tulane uni, so hopefully he will enjoy it.
Thank you for the encouragement...this is a new venture.

Try Sierra Trading Post for some great buys & deep discounts. I just got him a hunting jacket & pants...
Kids are getting gps systems this year. Son keeps saying he wants golf clubs! What in the world?? Golf clubs with a baseball swing? I don't think so!!HAHAH!!!

Eastbay just had a special on select shoes 3 pair for $99 - just got 2 pair of baseball spikes and 1 pair of track spikes.

Baseballmom - that sounds wonderful! After you are finished you should post a pic of it. Also thanks for the tip on Sierra Trading Post - I have never heard of that.
. Ok Laides I put up the tree lets get to decorating it.

and the lights work

As far as baseball last year both husband and son got Rawlings leather wallets, I want the purse but yeah thats a story for a different day. This year son is getting a warm up jacket and 'turf' shoes (?) he showed them to me & I ordered them cleats without the cleat he kept saying
Last edited by Lefty34
Oh my, my son is still playing football. Son's team is one game away from the State finals to be held in the superdome. I am a miserable wreck and I cannot even think about putting up a tree or shopping until football is over. My biggest worry is son or one of his teammates getting seriously injured, then comes the worry about the team losing and dealing with son's disappointment; he will be crushed. They have worked so hard and this team is the closest group of kids I have ever seen. They beat the team that was picked to win the state championship last Friday night, I am still in shock. If anyone wants to shop for me I will send money and a fed ex account number (LOL). Please say a prayer for my son, his team and all football players still in the hunt for a state championship.

I have the black rawlings purse. Got it last year for Christmas. Now, I ordered it myself and when it came in I handed it to my husband and said you just bought me the most expensive purse I have ever owned for Christmas! (He was thrilled cause this let him off the hook.) I always get lots of complements on it. I also got son the black wallet last year.

Son does not know where he will attend yet. There are a few colleges looking at him for baseball, guess we will wait and see, hopefully he stays in state.


Yes, son is the quarterback and also the punter, being the mom of the quarterback and a pitcher is double stress.

iheart bb

Try copying and pasting into the browser, don't know why the picture won't come up for you.

I am off from work today, I am working on son's scrapbook, lot of work to do and doing it with a heavy heart. Have a great day ladies.

Our hearts and prayers go out to you being the quarterback, punter and a pitcher's mom! You're in a special mom's club for high stress.

What a great picture of your son!

Please take a moment and try to enjoy this game this weekend - it doesn't get any better than this (unless they win ) - playing for the state championship? I know you have a heavy heart as you are facing his last high school football game and are worrying about if they win or lose - but your son is going to be okay - great memories and relationships are being made for him.

Take a deep breath at the game and then take some mental pictures (a a few real ones) of him interacting on the sidelines with the teammates, the coaches, the crowd, the cheerleaders, etc. You will treasure those memories next year when he's off at school!

Let us know how the game goes - you have all of us here pulling for you this weekend!

Tears are rolling down my face, I am a emotional mess. Thanks for your kind words. I actually have more mental pictures of him on the sideline with his teammates than I do of him playing. Since the playoffs began I usually have my head between my arse when he is on the field. I have tons and tons of actions shots from 3 photographers who have been following the team from the beginning of the season.
Oh I hear you. I always miss the big plays because I have my hands over my eyes of my eyes are closed. I carry a big box of these too couldn't get through the extra inngs without them.

I can't imagine the last high school game I cried on Tuesday because I had to miss his first High school basketball game. Louisiana may God give you the power to get through this. Please let us know how the big games goes.
Last edited by Lefty34
Originally posted by mythreesons:
... that means the first pitch can't be all that far away!

Good luck louisiana! Can't wait to hear about the game!

Don't get me wrong I enjoy watching him play basketball but its not baseball.

We had summer Baseball Parents meeting last night when it was 17 degrees. We are already starting fundraising too. The boys will start hitting practice on Tuesday. I think I can make it til spring now.

PS Lousiana What is the score???
Last edited by Lefty34
Well, son's team lost, and just as I thought he is devastaed. He plays with so much passion, whether it be football or baseball. I know he will be fine but it will take some time. He and his team never gave up and fought to the end. Thanks for the support; baseball is just around the corner and I am sure he will be in the batting cage in a couple of days.
I know how you feel. We shocked everyone and went to state in baseball our sophmore year. Then everyone thought we would be there our junior year. We took 2nd both times. i thought "GREAT". My son did not agree and since he was a leader on the team, he always had to do the after game interview. Same questions, what could you have done, what about next year, how do you feel-love that question.
Son's senior year, here we were again. It was a hard fought tough game. I listened to the whole game under the bleachers. Could not watch. We lost 5-4. Second again. When reporters came, my son said very politely, "I can't talk" He still does not discuss game. The next day on the front page of local paper, is my son crying and hugging fellow players, the picture said it all.
Maybe in a few years, he will understand "Wow" we went to state 3 years in a row, but I doubt it.
You are in my thoughts.
"Remember, every other team in the state but one were sitting at home during that game."

Well - that's from Cleveland Dad in the General Forum for the Oregon High school championship thread but it rings true for you too in Louisiana!

I'm sorry for your loss - I don't know how you feel - never had a son on a team in a state championship game.

I hope time works to heal your son's wounds and yours. I love hearing how he played with passion. I do know that your whole family will be retelling the story of when you went to the state championship for the rest of your lives - great memories and a super accomplishment!

I hope your son has a baseball season to rival his football season. Enjoy every moment!

Hugs, chocolate and a bottle of wine going your way! cry
Last edited by curveball07
[QUOTE] Originally posted by curveball07:
"Remember, every other team in the state but one were sitting at home during that game."

Well - that's from Cleveland Dad in the General Forum for the Oregon High school championship thread but it rings true for you too in Louisiana! [QUOTE]

I . What an honor to have played that far into the season (all the way to the end) especially in his Senior year. Congratulations to your son and his whole team as well as their families and friends.

Now I must put this in a young mans mentality - my son always says the only good thing about coming in second is no one remembers who lost the game. I guess(?). lol

Senior year everything is great help him enjoy it all!
Last edited by Lefty34
My sons team won their baseball section last season for the first time in schools history. But it was won in the bottom of the 7th with a walk off homerun. I have video of this. The fans for the other team were standing up waiting to celebrate their victory, two outs bottom of 7th and 2 strikes 2-1 ball game one guy on base when a young man hit a HR.The pitcher from the other team fell to his knees and so did many of his teammates, it gives me chills even writng about it. they were that close as our team went crazy and deservedly so the other team was shocked and it was bitter sweet in some ways. I saw the pitcher come out of the stadium, dirt streaked tears still on his cheeks, he pitched a great game only allowing one run umtil the last out. I went to him,( he has a D1 scholarship and is now at that school) and I said son you pitched a great game, he said thank you,but even though we won i really felt for those guys. when you get that far ( we dont have state baseball championships, section is a far as u can go) anyway to get that far is a great accomplishment. I remembering talking to my sons HS coach after all of this and he said if we would of lost it would still of been a great season. he had bben there before to the final game only once in his career, and this was his first win, but its true, it would of been a great season either way. I know for the boys they live in the now and the win is terrific but the experience is also great. Many many teams never get that far.
One loaf of cranberry orange bread and two loaves of pumpkin bread are baking in the oven as I type. My 15-year-old daughter is playing legos with her two younger cousins and my 19-year-old is fixin to take his grampa out on the old boat he worked all summer to refurbish. Son lifted yesterday and did hitting and fielding today with his Dad, but is thankful to have a little down-time to do other things as well. We'll attend Christmas Eve service tonight, at which our daughter will play flute and help with the children's choir, and enjoy a Christmas brunch tomorrow at home before heading to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner. On top of all that, we are enjoying glorious weather today -- about 70 degrees and sunny! What a wonderful Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas to all you HSBBW ladies out there!
My daughter is home from the city for a few days. its been nice spending time with her. went out and had a nice dinner together last night then I took her to the new casino for fun, gave her 20.00 and i gambled 20.00 We were done in about 20 minutes LOL. My son has been hanging a lot with friends, hitting, weoght lifting and throwing just about everyday but plenty of down time to visit with friends.Spending time with his sister as well.
I am puttting in a turkey this afternoon, we will go to church this evening and come back for a nice dinner. Then to my brothers family tomorrow for Christmas dinner. Then my daughter has to leave early Friday morning for work. I have enjoyed the time with her a lot. My son moves out in 2 weeks so getting prepared for that. Mery Christmas everyone Hold on to every good memory. God Bless
Holidays and holiday food at our house is loaded with traditions. We bake, bake, bake most of the week. D is baking now - cookies, all kinds. Then we will move to pies for desert tomorrow, then to breads and kuchens for breakfast tomorrow. Tonight, I will make our traditional "taco soup". Tomorrow's dinner will be prime rib, tons of other appetizers and side dishes, champagne, egg nog. Church and visiting friends after dinner tonight. Family at home tomorrow.

Whatever holidays you celebrate or whatever your family traditions may be, I hope you all have wonderfully peaceful and joyful times with your family and friends!

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