At fenceless fields, they call it "all you can get", which means keep running until we tell you to stop. My son hit a moon shot one time that landed on the crossbar of a ***** goal, two towns over. The RF took a few steps back, then just watched it.
"Clang", the other coach comes out and says "obstruction! Ground rule double" and he got it. At another fenceless field, son hit one into the back of the football grandstands, a mile over the OFs heads. RF jogs over, kicks the grass around a little and throws up his hands. Another ground rule double.
Like RJM says, you just play back. HRs turn into long outs. If there's weeds or a cornfield at the edge of the field, you let it go and pretend you can't find it. (like the Cubs do) If you have moveable fences, and you play the big boys, you move the fence back (way back). "They didn't hit any over against us."