My son has had nine in-home scout visits so far this fall. My observation has been that the scout wants to establish two main points: to get a good indication of son's makeup and to gage his desire to sign (and his family's support of him to sign) and forego his college scholarship offer.
Has anyone put together an information sheet to give to scouts on home visits that indicate HS schedule, coaches name and phone #, biographical information of player, including college where NLI was signed, picture (face) attached? What do some of you scouts (grampa doug) think of that? Good idea or not necessary...if good idea, what else would be useful information to include?
Funny thing too...Why is it they all say when scheduling a visit that he 'only needs to have 30 minutes to and hour to meet with you', when the shortest visit so far has been one hour and 45 minutes and the longest has taken 2 hours and 30 minutes?