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“Hope”, “crossed fingers”, and Divine intervention seem to be the most prevalent recruiting tool amongst many parents of high school players. It seems as if every parent I ask about what their sons will do after high school and they inevitably say --- We’ve got our fingers crossed that something will come his way or, “We hope something develops”, or “If it’s the Lord’s will he will get an offer”. I say plan your son’s future, do those things that need to be done, get the exposure he needs and get pro active. I personally have my fingers crossed and hope that you don’t take this post to mean you should go out and waste your money on an internet recruiting service… Razz
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Thanks to you and the other posters on this site we learned what we needed to do to get our son seen. My husband joined this site a few years ago and it has been the greatest help in figuring out what we needed to do for my son to keep playing after high school.
I work in an Elementary school and I am telling the parents I know to already be reading and learning about what they can do for their kids that love to play ball. Unfortunately alot of people wait till it's too late to get the exposure they need to go on after HS.
So, I'll keep advertising this great site and you and the other knowlegable people here keep posting all of your information. Thanks for all the help!!!
I think we all go about it differently--some worrying and praying more than others

In our case it was merely believing in the God Given talent and making sure coaches knew about it

We worked his dossier to the nth degree, perhaps even too strongly-- but what the hey-- gotta do what you gotta do and learn from the process

I think it is more hard work and realization of the players talent level than anything else
Having watched my son (well,it was a family effort..all of us stuffed and addressed the envelopes) send off followup letters, stats and schedules to his top 20 colleges, I know how much this entails. Besides hitting in the backyard daily, enduring Ron the Math Tutor each week, getting flogged by his personal trainer to run up Taylor Street in SF to improve his 60 and retaking the SATs this weekend, he's got a full summer baseball schedule. I am constantly amazed how much fortitude my son has...if nothing else comes of all this, we have learned what this boy is made of!!

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