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I'm an '07 and I've recieved two letters from DIIs in the last two days. They include a form to fillout with your stats etc. I want to keep my options open, so how should I let these coaches know that I'm interested but not 100% sure yet? Should I go for a visit to each one?

This has probably been answered before but the search isn't working for me.
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A college player that watched videos with his head coach once told me they received tons of poor videos. My son's was a Skillshow version (pricey but effective). He said it clearly stood out. This was 3 years ago so parents may have gotten better at it by now. Skillshow does it perfect: short (no more than a minute or two), showing swings at the plate, 60 yard dash, regular and slo mo, pitching (5-6 throws), fielding (5-6 ), all set to music. If you don't use them, go to their web site and look at how they do it for ideas.

If you do it yourself, and you can, enlist some help from someone with some skill at editing, let them shoot with a digital video camera, and let them edit on the computer. If you send it on a DVD/CD, make sure it's in a format they can open. A lot of coaches still have VCR's, but all baseball offices have a computer somewhere these days.
Originally posted by TSfan:
jsorb, I tried to send you a PM to talk about this w/ you but couldn't. Send me a PM and we can talk about about how to put your video together for the college coaches.

TSfan- How about we just communicate through email. I think it'd be easier than this site's less than adequate PM system.
One other thing. We've spent a few days talking about this on the message boards. These coaches like to see these letters, questionaires, videos ect... turned around as quickly as possible. They gauge your interest in their program somewhat that way I believe. So, even if the video isn't ready yet, I'd return a letter and questionairre, anything else you have right away and note that the video will be forthcoming. Just a thought.

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