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Tryouts are a couple months away.

I am interested in first how you do try out week?
1. cuts and how you do them?
2. what activities you do in try outs?
3. how do you break up groups?
4. how and what do you score kids in all areas ie hitting, throwing, speed, etc??
5. how many days you give them before first cuts?

Any other pertinent info.

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Below are some of the basics of what I did. It would take forever to explain everything. Others will add good stuff as well.

1. Two sets of cuts. One mid-week to eliminate the obvious ones which leaves more time to evaluate the others and the final one at the end of the week weather permitting.
2. Drill work to see basic skills - long throws, 60 yard dash, ground balls, hitting, etc. Later in the week we would scrimmage to see live play and instincts.
3. New players on one field. Returning players on another. Dividing them gave us a chance to focus on the new kids. We mix them later to see how everyone works together.
4. Usually rank them 0-5 in all areas. Usually you can tell in 5 minutes but the numbers help afterwards when kids or parents want to know why they didn't make it. Numbers help to make it very objective and show what can be worked on.
5. Usually three full days weather permitting.

Hope this helps!
I do mine over two days (Friday and Saturday since we get to start on Friday here in Texas).
Friday: line everybody up at SS, field ground balls and throw to 1B (radar gun for arm strength). Line everybody up in RF, field both GB and FB and throw to 3B (radar gun again). On both of these there are several categories on my card to score mechanics, etc 1 - 5. Then, everybody runs a 60, home to 1B, and 1B to 3B.

Saturday: I break them up into waves of 10 - 12 or so. each wave gets 45 min - 1 hour of on the field BP. Again, there are several categories (mechanics, contact, power, etc) that they are evaluated 1 - 5. First and last waves are where I put the pitchers and catchers so they can be evaluated at those positions before (1st group) or after (last group) hitting. Makes for a long Saturday, but everybody gets a little more attention and not as much standing around!
We do something similar. Two days. All players do IF, OF, hit and timed runs.
IF grounders, all taken at SS except obvious 1B types. Each player gets a few straight at them, a few to each side and a do-or-die. OF fielding and throws from RF. Each player gets a few to each side and a few on the ground with throws to 3b. Hitters get an on-field session that includes bunting, hitting oppo and free swings. Running - each player gets two timed 60's and two home-to-first's. Ratings are done cumulatively by most of the V and JV coaches on a 1-5 scale. Categories are as follows...
Infield - Footwork, Range, Fielding mechanics, Throwing mechanics, Arm Strength and Accuracy
Outfield - Footwork, Range, Mechanics, Arm Strength and Accuracy
Hitting - Bunting, Oppo, Quality contact, Power and Swing mechanics.

I calculate and average all ratings. Afterwards, coaches all meet and discuss the numbers as well as attitude, intangibles, gamers, etc. When cuts and squad designations are made, it is definitely a group effort with feedback from all coaches.

After having built up to this over the last few years, I feel like we've hit overkill and will likely condense going forward. There are rarely surprises where the numbers say something different than the naked eye tells us.

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