By your profile, your son would be a sophomore in hs now, wouldn't he? I'm assuming he made the team last year. Does he play on a travel team? His playing time and how he is regarded on those two teams will tell you a lot about whether he has the skills to build on.
Given that he's one of the better players on those teams (at a minimum a regular starter), your next step is to determine where he fits outside that baseball community and that's where early showcases fit in. The summer between junior and senior year is crucial for exposure, making the summer between sophomore and junior years preparation time: best travel team possible and a showcase or college camp or two thrown in to get him both evaluated and used to the system.
As more of the hsbbweb boys have become successful, the site may become guilty of setting standards too high. They are already high, as this board consists primarily of players who have a good shot at playing in college, and not a few who will/are playing professionally. But it's still the hsbaseballweb. Hasn't yet turned into the studsonlybaseballweb. There's no reason to presume your son isn't good enough.
obrady, I wonder if there's a pushy parent behind the kid at the showcase, thinking that any kid that size is an athlete. Maybe what the coach was "recommending" was a dose of reality